
Viscoplastic strain development in stress controlled tensile loading: effect of temperature

The range of applications of epoxy matrix composites where they are exposed to elevated temperatures is increasing. It is well-known that polymers are not linear elastic materials and their response to loads is time and loading rate dependent. The main phenomena responsible for this type of behavior are viscoelasticity (VE) and viscoplasticity (VP). In order to develop multiscale predictive tools for simulations in nonlinear VE and VP formulation, adequate constitutive models have to be introduced and methodology suggested for determination of material functions in these models. Therefore, a good understanding of the effect of elevated temperature on long-term, time-dependent behavior and model development that is based on physically sound and consistent experimental methodology is of paramount significance

Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)

Autor: Al-Maqdasi, Zainab
Nunes, Stephanie G.
Bianchi, Octavio
Varna, Janis
Pupure, Liva
Joffe, Roberts
Data: 31 maig 2023
Resum: The range of applications of epoxy matrix composites where they are exposed to elevated temperatures is increasing. It is well-known that polymers are not linear elastic materials and their response to loads is time and loading rate dependent. The main phenomena responsible for this type of behavior are viscoelasticity (VE) and viscoplasticity (VP). In order to develop multiscale predictive tools for simulations in nonlinear VE and VP formulation, adequate constitutive models have to be introduced and methodology suggested for determination of material functions in these models. Therefore, a good understanding of the effect of elevated temperature on long-term, time-dependent behavior and model development that is based on physically sound and consistent experimental methodology is of paramount significance
Format: application/pdf
Cita: info:eu-repo/semantics/reference/hdl/10256.1/7263
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/23129
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Resistència de materials -- Congressos
Strength of materials -- Congresses
Compostos polimèrics -- Congressos
Polymeric composites -- Congresses
Assaigs de materials -- Mètodes de simulació -- Congressos
Materials --Testing -- Simulation methods -- Congresses
Viscoelasticitat -- Congressos
Viscoelasticity -- Congresses
Viscoplasticitat -- Congresses
Viscoplasticitat -- Congressos
Viscoplasticity -- Congresses
Títol: Viscoplastic strain development in stress controlled tensile loading: effect of temperature
Tipus: slide
Repositori: DUGiDocs

