Vicenç i Eres, Josep | |
Macià Comalada, Anna | |
maig 2021 | |
Aquest treball final de grau, té com a objectiu elaborar un pla de màrqueting per a reorientar un negoci del sector de l’estètica en temps de crisis per Coronavirus.
Durant un any diferents negocis, entre ells d’aquest sector s’han vist obligats a abaixar les persianes durant mesos, suposant una gran pèrdua de diners. Moltes empreses no poden realitzar grans inversions. Per això es pretén donar un reenfocament a un centre de bellesa per poder emplenar un nínxol de mercat buit oferint el servei de lloguer o venda a tots aquests centres d’estètica.
Per tal de dur a terme aquest procés es realitzarà un estudi exhaustiu del mercat i de la competència. A més, es realitzarà una investigació de l’entorn i de les 4 p, per poder transformar la idea de negoci a una realitat. D’altra banda, s’analitzarà el públic objectiu i es duran a terme diferents estratègies de màrqueting per poder tirar endavant la reorientació del negoci.
Resumint, aquest treball pretén respondre a la pregunta: Com es pot reorientar un centre d’estètica en temps de coronavirus? Partint d’aquesta base, s’ha elaborat i organitzat el treball final de grau. The aim of this final degree project is to develop a marketing plan to reorient a business in the aesthetics sector in the times of the Coronavirus crisis. For a year, different businesses, including some in this sector, have been forced to lower the shutters for months. This has meant a great loss of money. Many businesses cannot make large investments in the purchase of cosmetic appliances and it has been found that all the cosmetic appliances they have had little profitability. Therefore, it is intended to refocus a beauty centre so that it must be able to fill an empty niche market by offering the rental or sale service to all these beauty centres. A thorough study of the market and competition will be made. In addition, research and a definition of the 4 p of marketing. This will allow them to know and undertake different associated services that will allow them to have another source of income to the business. On the other hand, the target audience will be analysed and different marketing strategies. In summary, this work aims to answer this question: How can a beauty centre be reoriented in coronavirus times? Based on this, the final degree project has been prepared and organized. |
application/pdf | |
http://hdl.handle.net/10256/23319 | |
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International | |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ | |
Aesthetics Màrqueting -- Planificació Marketing plan |
Pla de màrqueting per a reorientar un negoci en temps de crisi | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
DUGiDocs |