
Pla d’empresa Mas Rimbau

El projecte es basa en el desenvolupament del pla d’empresa d’un hotel i restaurant al Lluçanès, Osona. El negoci vol ubicar-se al Mas Rimbau, una masia del segle XII, del municipi de Sant Bartomeu del Grau. Cal dir que no es tracta d’un negoci tradicional, sinó que es pretén implementar la filosofia Slow Food com a base del restaurant, i l’Slow Tourism com a base de l’hotel. L’hotel tindrà, a més, piscina exterior i zona de solàrium, mentre que el restaurant tindrà hort propi i zona de terrassa exterior. El negoci estarà inicialment format per tres socis; dos d’ells dirigiran i treballaran a l’empresa, mentre que el tercer serà soci capitalista. S’espera una bona rebuda per part de la població i, queda demostrat que es tracta d’un negoci viable financera i econòmicament

The project is based in the development of the company’s plan which is a hotel and restaurant in Lluçanès, Osona. The enterprise is going to be located in Mas Rimbau, a country house from XII centuries, in the municipality of Sant Bartomeu del Grau. It is not going to be a traditional business, as it intends to employ the Slow Food as the basis of the restaurant, and the Slow Tourism as the basis of the hotel. The hotel is also going to have an outdoor swimming pool and a solarium zone, while the restaurant will have a vegetable patch and an outdoor terrace. The company will be constituted by three associates; two of them will run the business and work on it, whereas the third one will be a capital investor. It is expected to have a great welcome from the population and, it is proved, that it seems to be a viable business economically and financially




Director: Fusté Forné, Francesc
Altres contribucions: Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Turisme
Autor: Barcons Palomera, Maria
Data: maig 2021
Resum: El projecte es basa en el desenvolupament del pla d’empresa d’un hotel i restaurant al Lluçanès, Osona. El negoci vol ubicar-se al Mas Rimbau, una masia del segle XII, del municipi de Sant Bartomeu del Grau. Cal dir que no es tracta d’un negoci tradicional, sinó que es pretén implementar la filosofia Slow Food com a base del restaurant, i l’Slow Tourism com a base de l’hotel. L’hotel tindrà, a més, piscina exterior i zona de solàrium, mentre que el restaurant tindrà hort propi i zona de terrassa exterior. El negoci estarà inicialment format per tres socis; dos d’ells dirigiran i treballaran a l’empresa, mentre que el tercer serà soci capitalista. S’espera una bona rebuda per part de la població i, queda demostrat que es tracta d’un negoci viable financera i econòmicament
The project is based in the development of the company’s plan which is a hotel and restaurant in Lluçanès, Osona. The enterprise is going to be located in Mas Rimbau, a country house from XII centuries, in the municipality of Sant Bartomeu del Grau. It is not going to be a traditional business, as it intends to employ the Slow Food as the basis of the restaurant, and the Slow Tourism as the basis of the hotel. The hotel is also going to have an outdoor swimming pool and a solarium zone, while the restaurant will have a vegetable patch and an outdoor terrace. The company will be constituted by three associates; two of them will run the business and work on it, whereas the third one will be a capital investor. It is expected to have a great welcome from the population and, it is proved, that it seems to be a viable business economically and financially
Format: application/pdf
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/23322
Llenguatge: cat
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Matèria: Allotjament turístic -- Lluçanès (Catalunya)
Tourist camps -- Lluçanès (Catalonia)
Empreses -- Creació
New business enterprises
Turisme rural -- Lluçanès (Catalunya)
Farms--Recreational use -- Lluçanès (Catalonia)
Slow food (Moviment)
Slow food movement
Títol: Pla d’empresa Mas Rimbau
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repositori: DUGiDocs

