
Customer touchpoints and where to find them: following the customer’s behavior changes on their social journeys in the Covid-19 pandemic

Per molts anys s’ha estudiat el procés de comportament del consumidor des d’un punt de vista individual, conegut com el Customer Journey. No obstant això, avui dia és crucial recercar com la societat l’influencia i com la pandèmia de la Covid-19 ha canviat aquests patrons. En crear un experiment de split-ballot i entrevistes en profunditat amb professionals, l’objectiu d’aquest Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques és analitzar de manera descriptiva els canvis que s’enfronten les diferents mesures de seguretat quil govern va fer complir, com ara confinaments i activitats socialment distanciades, en cinc categories de productes: comerç minorista, electrònica, béns de salut i benestar, menjar i entreteniment. Els canvis en el comportament en les fases de compra de béns de compra freqüent i intermedis s’han mantingut visiblement com quan va començar la pandèmia. Tanmateix, els canvis en l’etapa de gaudi estan tornant als nivells abans de la pandèmia.

For years, the consumer behavior process has been studied from an individual point of view, known as well as the Customer Journey. However, nowadays, it’s crucial to research how society influences it and how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed these patterns. By creating a split-ballot experiment and in-depth interviews with professionals, this Final Degree Project in Advertising and Public Relations, analyzes in a descriptive way the changes faced by the different safety measures, such as lockdowns and socially distancing activities government enforced on five product categories: retail, electronics, wellness & health goods, food, and entertainment. The findings of this project evidence the changes in behavior in the purchasing stages of customer-packaged and intermediate goods have sightly remained the same as when the pandemic started. However, the changes on the enjoyment stage are returning back to pre-pandemic levels.

Manager: Martín Guart, Ramon
Author: Ramirez Moya, Andrea Carolina
Date: 2021 May
Abstract: Per molts anys s’ha estudiat el procés de comportament del consumidor des d’un punt de vista individual, conegut com el Customer Journey. No obstant això, avui dia és crucial recercar com la societat l’influencia i com la pandèmia de la Covid-19 ha canviat aquests patrons. En crear un experiment de split-ballot i entrevistes en profunditat amb professionals, l’objectiu d’aquest Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques és analitzar de manera descriptiva els canvis que s’enfronten les diferents mesures de seguretat quil govern va fer complir, com ara confinaments i activitats socialment distanciades, en cinc categories de productes: comerç minorista, electrònica, béns de salut i benestar, menjar i entreteniment. Els canvis en el comportament en les fases de compra de béns de compra freqüent i intermedis s’han mantingut visiblement com quan va començar la pandèmia. Tanmateix, els canvis en l’etapa de gaudi estan tornant als nivells abans de la pandèmia.
For years, the consumer behavior process has been studied from an individual point of view, known as well as the Customer Journey. However, nowadays, it’s crucial to research how society influences it and how the Covid-19 pandemic has changed these patterns. By creating a split-ballot experiment and in-depth interviews with professionals, this Final Degree Project in Advertising and Public Relations, analyzes in a descriptive way the changes faced by the different safety measures, such as lockdowns and socially distancing activities government enforced on five product categories: retail, electronics, wellness & health goods, food, and entertainment. The findings of this project evidence the changes in behavior in the purchasing stages of customer-packaged and intermediate goods have sightly remained the same as when the pandemic started. However, the changes on the enjoyment stage are returning back to pre-pandemic levels.
Format: application/pdf
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Language: eng
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Rights URI:
Subject: Pandèmia de COVID-19, 2020-
Consumidors -- Conducta
Consumer Behavior Process
Title: Customer touchpoints and where to find them: following the customer’s behavior changes on their social journeys in the Covid-19 pandemic
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: DUGiDocs

