
A survey addressing the fundamental matrix estimation problem

Epipolar geometry is a key point in computer vision and the fundamental matrix estimation is the only way to compute it. This article surveys several methods of fundamental matrix estimation which have been classified into linear methods, iterative methods and robust methods. All of these methods have been programmed and their accuracy analysed using real images. A summary, accompanied with experimental results, is given

© International Conference on Image Processing : 2001 : Proceedings, 2001, vol. 2, p. 209-212


Author: Salvi, Joaquim
Armangué Quintana, Xavier
Pagès Marco, Jordi
Date: 2001
Abstract: Epipolar geometry is a key point in computer vision and the fundamental matrix estimation is the only way to compute it. This article surveys several methods of fundamental matrix estimation which have been classified into linear methods, iterative methods and robust methods. All of these methods have been programmed and their accuracy analysed using real images. A summary, accompanied with experimental results, is given
Format: application/pdf
Citation: Salvi, J., Armangué, X., i Pagès, J. (2001). A survey addressing the fundamental matrix estimation problem. International Conference on Image Processing : 2001 : Proceedings, 2, 209-212. Recuperat 01 maig 2010, a
ISBN: 0-7803-6725-1
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: IEEE
Collection: Reproducció digital del document publicat a:
Articles publicats (D-ATC)
Is part of: © International Conference on Image Processing : 2001 : Proceedings, 2001, vol. 2, p. 209-212
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Geometria computacional
Matrius (Matemàtica)
Mètodes iteratius (Matemàtica)
Visió per ordinador
Computational geometry
Computer vision
Iterative methods
Title: A survey addressing the fundamental matrix estimation problem
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: DUGiDocs

