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DUGi: Ítem | DUGiDocs - The Voronoi-Quadtree: construction and visualization


The Voronoi-Quadtree: construction and visualization

We define a quadtree-based planar Voronoi diagram codification, the Voronoi-Quadtree, valid for generalized sites (points, line-segments, curve-arc segments, ...) and for different distance functions (Euclidean metrics, convex distance functions, ...).We present an algorithm for constructing, at a prefixed level of detail, the Voronoi-Quadtree associated to a Voronoi diagram determined by a set of sites and a given distance function. A second algorithm that, taking as input a Voronoi-Quadtree, visualizes a polygonal approximation of the boundary of the Voronoi diagram is also described

This work was supported by DURSI 2001SGR-00296. The first author was supported in part by grants TIC2000-1009 and TIC2001-2226-C02-02. The second and third authors were supported in part by grants MEC-DGES-SEUID PB98-0933, and TIC2001-2392-C03-01

Eurographics Association

Autor: Coll i Arnau, Narcís
Boada, Imma
Sellarès i Chiva, Joan Antoni
Data: 2002
Resum: We define a quadtree-based planar Voronoi diagram codification, the Voronoi-Quadtree, valid for generalized sites (points, line-segments, curve-arc segments, ...) and for different distance functions (Euclidean metrics, convex distance functions, ...).We present an algorithm for constructing, at a prefixed level of detail, the Voronoi-Quadtree associated to a Voronoi diagram determined by a set of sites and a given distance function. A second algorithm that, taking as input a Voronoi-Quadtree, visualizes a polygonal approximation of the boundary of the Voronoi diagram is also described
This work was supported by DURSI 2001SGR-00296. The first author was supported in part by grants TIC2000-1009 and TIC2001-2226-C02-02. The second and third authors were supported in part by grants MEC-DGES-SEUID PB98-0933, and TIC2001-2392-C03-01
Format: application/pdf
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/24783
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Eurographics Association
Col·lecció: info:eu-repo/semantics/altIdentifier/doi/10.2312/egs.20021044
Drets: Tots els drets reservats. Reproduït amb el permís d’Eurographics Publishing
Matèria: Infografia
Computer graphics
Voronoi, Polígons de
Voronoi, Polygons
Algorismes computacionals
Computer algorithms
Títol: The Voronoi-Quadtree: construction and visualization
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs


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