
Diagnosing Patients Combining Principal Components Analysis and Case Based Reasoning

This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage

© Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems : 2008 : HIS ’08, 2008, p. 819-824


Author: Pous i Sabadí, Carles
Caballero Parga, Daniel
López Ibáñez, Beatriz
Date: 2008
Abstract: This paper addresses the application of a PCA analysis on categorical data prior to diagnose a patients data set using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system. The particularity is that the standard PCA techniques are designed to deal with numerical attributes, but our medical data set contains many categorical data and alternative methods as RS-PCA are required. Thus, we propose to hybridize RS-PCA (Regular Simplex PCA) and a simple CBR. Results show how the hybrid system produces similar results when diagnosing a medical data set, that the ones obtained when using the original attributes. These results are quite promising since they allow to diagnose with less computation effort and memory storage
Format: application/pdf
Citation: Pous, C., Caballero, D., i López, B. (2008). Diagnosing Patients Combining Principal Components Analysis and Case Based Reasoning. Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems : 2008 : HIS ’08, 819-824. Recuperat 22 juny 2010, a
ISBN: 978-0-7695-3326-1
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: IEEE
Collection: Reproducció digital del document publicat a:
Articles publicats (D-EEEiA)
Is part of: © Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems : 2008 : HIS ’08, 2008, p. 819-824
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Anàlisi multivariable
Diagnòstic -- Informàtica
Raonament basat en casos
Medicina -- Informàtica
Case-based reasoning
Diagnosis -- Data processing
Medicine -- Data processing
Multivariate analysis
Title: Diagnosing Patients Combining Principal Components Analysis and Case Based Reasoning
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: DUGiDocs

