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DUGi: Ítem | DUGiDocs - A teaching/learning support tool for introductory programming courses


A teaching/learning support tool for introductory programming courses

In This work we present a Web-based tool developed with the aim of reinforcing teaching and learning of introductory programming courses. This tool provides support for teaching and learning. From the teacher’s perspective the system introduces important gains with respect to the classical teaching methodology. It reinforces lecture and laboratory sessions, makes it possible to give personalized attention to the student, assesses the degree of participation of the students and most importantly, performs a continuous assessment of the student’s progress. From the student’s perspective it provides a learning framework, consisting in a help environment and a correction environment, which facilitates their personal work. With this tool students are more motivated to do programming

© Proceedings of the FIfth International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training : 2004 : ITHET 2004, 2004, p. 604-609


Autor: Boada, Imma
Soler i Masó, Josep
Prados Carrasco, Ferran
Poch Garcia, Jordi
Data: 2004
Resum: In This work we present a Web-based tool developed with the aim of reinforcing teaching and learning of introductory programming courses. This tool provides support for teaching and learning. From the teacher’s perspective the system introduces important gains with respect to the classical teaching methodology. It reinforces lecture and laboratory sessions, makes it possible to give personalized attention to the student, assesses the degree of participation of the students and most importantly, performs a continuous assessment of the student’s progress. From the student’s perspective it provides a learning framework, consisting in a help environment and a correction environment, which facilitates their personal work. With this tool students are more motivated to do programming
Format: application/pdf
Cita: Boada, I., Soler, J., Prados, F., i Poch, J. (2004). A teaching/learning support tool for introductory programming courses. Proceedings of the FIfth International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training : 2004 : ITHET 2004, 604 - 609. Recuperat 28 setembre 2010, a http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=1358243
ISBN: 0-7803-8596-9
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/3058
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: IEEE
Col·lecció: Reproducció digital del document publicat a: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ITHET.2004.1358243
Articles publicats (D-IMA)
És part de: © Proceedings of the FIfth International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training : 2004 : ITHET 2004, 2004, p. 604-609
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Ensenyament assistit per ordinador
Ensenyament virtual
Tecnologia educativa
Educational technology
Computer-assisted instruction
Web-based instruction
Internet en l’ensenyament universitari
Internet in higher education
Títol: A teaching/learning support tool for introductory programming courses
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs


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