
Sentències catòliques del diví poeta Dant (1545) de Jaume Ferrer de Blanes: edició crítica del text [versió html]

Lord Ferrer (Vidreres, ~1445 – Blanes, 1529), royal and aristocratic attorney, cosmographer, jewelrer, lapidary, merchant and writer, after all, an honorable Catalan citizen, left early age, first at the court of Naples at King Ferdinand’s I service, and then at the court of Sicily, at Queen Joana of Sicily’s service. After this eventful Italian journey he went back to Blanes at the Viscount of Cabrera and Bas’ service, until he died in the same town in 1529. One of his servants, seventeen years later, published some of the documents which were found scattered in Ferrer’s House, Catholic sentences from the divine poet Dante Florentine, compiled by most respectable lord Jaume Ferrer de Blanes (sic), including three parts. The first one, Conclusions, is a summary intended to show "Among all the things needed by a man to achieve his goal and his eternal beattitude, they are mainly three" (sic), the second one, Meditation, is a reflection in order to illuminate the mysteries of the passion and death of Jesus Christ at "the holy loch of Calvary" (sic), and the third one, Letters, which is a set of twelve documents, letters and other texts, "made to lord Jaume Ferrer, answers and rules ordered by him in Cosmography and Seacraft” (sic). Lord Ferrer, a man with great resources, covers all the knowledge he had gathered throughout his life, from Ptolemy to Dante, from Albert the Great to Marquis de Santillana or to Aristotle, using fragments from The Divine Comedy, The Proverbs, The Holy Bible and many other philosophical and scientific authorities, in Catalan, Italian, Spanish, Latin, and also seven words in Aramaic

Aquesta publicació té l’origen en el treball de recerca realitzat dins del Màster d’Iniciació a la Recerca en Humanitats de la Facultat de Lletres de la UdG, dirigit pel professor Pep Valsalobre, llegit el 19 de setembre de 2012 i que va obtenir la qualificació de Matrícula d’Honor

Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions

Author: Llorenç Blat, Josep
Date: 2012
Abstract: Lord Ferrer (Vidreres, ~1445 – Blanes, 1529), royal and aristocratic attorney, cosmographer, jewelrer, lapidary, merchant and writer, after all, an honorable Catalan citizen, left early age, first at the court of Naples at King Ferdinand’s I service, and then at the court of Sicily, at Queen Joana of Sicily’s service. After this eventful Italian journey he went back to Blanes at the Viscount of Cabrera and Bas’ service, until he died in the same town in 1529. One of his servants, seventeen years later, published some of the documents which were found scattered in Ferrer’s House, Catholic sentences from the divine poet Dante Florentine, compiled by most respectable lord Jaume Ferrer de Blanes (sic), including three parts. The first one, Conclusions, is a summary intended to show "Among all the things needed by a man to achieve his goal and his eternal beattitude, they are mainly three" (sic), the second one, Meditation, is a reflection in order to illuminate the mysteries of the passion and death of Jesus Christ at "the holy loch of Calvary" (sic), and the third one, Letters, which is a set of twelve documents, letters and other texts, "made to lord Jaume Ferrer, answers and rules ordered by him in Cosmography and Seacraft” (sic). Lord Ferrer, a man with great resources, covers all the knowledge he had gathered throughout his life, from Ptolemy to Dante, from Albert the Great to Marquis de Santillana or to Aristotle, using fragments from The Divine Comedy, The Proverbs, The Holy Bible and many other philosophical and scientific authorities, in Catalan, Italian, Spanish, Latin, and also seven words in Aramaic
Aquesta publicació té l’origen en el treball de recerca realitzat dins del Màster d’Iniciació a la Recerca en Humanitats de la Facultat de Lletres de la UdG, dirigit pel professor Pep Valsalobre, llegit el 19 de setembre de 2012 i que va obtenir la qualificació de Matrícula d’Honor
Format: text/html
ISBN: 978-84-8458-408-7
Document access:
Language: cat
Publisher: Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions
Collection: Publicacions UdG
See also:
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Ferrer de Blanes, Jaume -- Crítica i interpretació
Ferrer de Blanes, Jaume -- Criticism and interpretation
Literatura catalana -- Història i crítica -- S. XV
Catalan literature -- History and criticism -- S.XV
Title: Sentències catòliques del diví poeta Dant (1545) de Jaume Ferrer de Blanes: edició crítica del text [versió html]
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/book
Repository: DUGiDocs

