
Greenhouse gases and climatic states of minimum entropy production

The hypothesis of minimum entropy production is applied to a simple one-dimensional energy balance model and is analysed for different values of the radiative forcing due to greenhouse gases. The extremum principle is used to determine the planetary “conductivity” and to avoid the “diffusive” approximation, which is commonly assumed in this type of model. For present conditions the result at minimum radiative entropy production is similar to that obtained by applying the classical model. Other climatic scenarios show visible differences, with better behaviour for the extremal case

© Journal of Geophysical Research, 1999, vol. 104, núm. D20, p. 24257-24263

American Geophysical Union

Author: Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
Llebot, Josep Enric
Fort, Joaquim
Date: 1999
Abstract: The hypothesis of minimum entropy production is applied to a simple one-dimensional energy balance model and is analysed for different values of the radiative forcing due to greenhouse gases. The extremum principle is used to determine the planetary “conductivity” and to avoid the “diffusive” approximation, which is commonly assumed in this type of model. For present conditions the result at minimum radiative entropy production is similar to that obtained by applying the classical model. Other climatic scenarios show visible differences, with better behaviour for the extremal case
Format: application/pdf
ISSN: 0148-0227 (versió paper)
2156-2202 (versió electrònica)
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: American Geophysical Union
Collection: Articles publicats (D-F)
Is part of: © Journal of Geophysical Research, 1999, vol. 104, núm. D20, p. 24257-24263
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Gasos d’efecte hivernacle
Greenhouse gases
Radiació atmosfèrica
Atmospheric radiation
Title: Greenhouse gases and climatic states of minimum entropy production
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: DUGiDocs



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