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DUGi: Ítem | DUGiDocs - Restoration of a lost geological reference point: the loggingstone of Pedralta (Girona, Spain)


Restoration of a lost geological reference point: the loggingstone of Pedralta (Girona, Spain)

The Pedralta is a loggingstone formed of monzonitic leucogranites, which has a volume of about 38 m3 and weighs 101 tons. After its fall in December 1996, a public subscription was opened to meet the expenses of the restoration work, which was completed in May 1999

© Towards the balanced management and conservation of the geological heritage in the new millenium :[communications presented in the III International Symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, held in Madrid, 23-25th., l999] / editors Daniel Barettino, Mercedes Vallejo, Ernesto Gallego, 1999, p. 415-419

Sociedad Geológica de España

Autor: Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
Roqué i Pau, Carles
Data: 1999
Resum: The Pedralta is a loggingstone formed of monzonitic leucogranites, which has a volume of about 38 m3 and weighs 101 tons. After its fall in December 1996, a public subscription was opened to meet the expenses of the restoration work, which was completed in May 1999
Format: application/pdf
ISBN: 84-930160-1-2
Altres identificadors: DL M.44170-1999
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/8196
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Sociedad Geológica de España
Col·lecció: Articles publicats (D-CCAA)
És part de: © Towards the balanced management and conservation of the geological heritage in the new millenium :[communications presented in the III International Symposium ProGEO on the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, held in Madrid, 23-25th., l999] / editors Daniel Barettino, Mercedes Vallejo, Ernesto Gallego, 1999, p. 415-419
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Pedralta (Girona, Catalunya)
Pedralta (Girona, Catalonia)
Natura -- Protecció -- Catalunya
Nature conservation -- Catalonia
Títol: Restoration of a lost geological reference point: the loggingstone of Pedralta (Girona, Spain)
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs


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