
Annual reproductive cycle and fecundity of Scorpaena notata (Teleostei, Scorpaenidae)

Scorpaena notata (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) is an oviparous species with external fertilisation that shows some unusual features in its gonadal morphology and gametogenesis. In this work we analyse the annual reproductive cycle and the fecundity of this species by studying the monthly histological changes in the gonads and of various indices related to reproduction. Sexual dimorphism does not occur in the population we studied, which is clearly dominated by males. Multiple spawning takes place between July and October, consisting of between 6,000 and 33,000 eggs per female, each of about 500 µm in diameter. The fecundity of the species is determined by the size and weight of the individuals

Scientia Marina, 2005, vol. 69, núm. 4, p. 555-562

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Autor: Muñoz Frigola, Marta
Sàbat Bofill, Maria
Vila Espuña, Sílvia
Casadevall, Margarida
Data: 2005
Resum: Scorpaena notata (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) is an oviparous species with external fertilisation that shows some unusual features in its gonadal morphology and gametogenesis. In this work we analyse the annual reproductive cycle and the fecundity of this species by studying the monthly histological changes in the gonads and of various indices related to reproduction. Sexual dimorphism does not occur in the population we studied, which is clearly dominated by males. Multiple spawning takes place between July and October, consisting of between 6,000 and 33,000 eggs per female, each of about 500 µm in diameter. The fecundity of the species is determined by the size and weight of the individuals
Format: application/pdf
ISSN: 0214-8358 (versió paper)
1886-8134 (versió electrònica)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/8206
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Col·lecció: Reproducció digital del document publicat a: http://www.icm.csic.es/scimar/index.php/secId/6/IdArt/3189/
Articles publicats (D-CCAA)
És part de: Scientia Marina, 2005, vol. 69, núm. 4, p. 555-562
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Spain
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/es/
Matèria: Escorpènids -- Reproducció
Scorpionfishes -- Reproduction
Escorpènids -- Fecunditat
Scorpionfishes -- Fertility
Títol: Annual reproductive cycle and fecundity of Scorpaena notata (Teleostei, Scorpaenidae)
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs

