Santos, Olga C.
Moreno GarcÃa, Germán DarÃo MartÃnez-Normand, Loïc RodrÃguez-Ascaso, Alejandro Alcocer, Eva Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Emmanuelle Barrera, Carmen Boticario, Jesús G. Raffenne, Emmanuelle Fabregat Gesa, Ramon |
2011 | |
Standards and specifÃcations to manage accessibility issues in e-learning | |
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1438-0625 | | | |
eng | |
IEEE Computer Society | |
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© Learning Technology, 2011, vol. 13, núm. 3 | |
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Ensenyament assistit per ordinador
Computer-assisted instruction Tecnologia educativa Educational technology Ensenyament virtual Web-based instruction |
Standards and specifications to manage accessibility issues in e-learning | |
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