
Considering tourist perceptions and network configuration in destination management

The competitiveness of tourism destinations is a relevant issue for tourism studies, moreso, is a key element on the daily basis of tourism destinations. In this sense, the management of tourism destinations is essential to maintain competitive advantages. In this article tourism destination is considered as a relational network, where interaction and cooperation is needed among tourist agents, to achieve major levels of competitive advantage and a more effective destination management system. In addition, the perceptions of tourists are obtained from two main sources. The first one is the social construction of a tourism destination previous to the visit and the second one is obtained from the interaction between tourists and tourism destination agents during the visit. In this sense, the management of tourism destination to emit a homogenous and collective image is a factor that can reduce the gap if dissatisfaction from the previous and real tourist perception. The discussion is centered on the relationship within a destination, between the supply network and the targeted demand, considering these two approaches jointly, to benefit destination management. The main result is a conceptual model that shows how tourism agents and tourists in the tourism destination interact to improve the destination competitiveness

© New perspectives on sustainability, 2009, núm. 1, p. 23-37

Documenta Universitaria

Autor: Prats Planagumà, Lluís
Camprubí Subirana, Raquel
Data: 2009
Resum: The competitiveness of tourism destinations is a relevant issue for tourism studies, moreso, is a key element on the daily basis of tourism destinations. In this sense, the management of tourism destinations is essential to maintain competitive advantages. In this article tourism destination is considered as a relational network, where interaction and cooperation is needed among tourist agents, to achieve major levels of competitive advantage and a more effective destination management system. In addition, the perceptions of tourists are obtained from two main sources. The first one is the social construction of a tourism destination previous to the visit and the second one is obtained from the interaction between tourists and tourism destination agents during the visit. In this sense, the management of tourism destination to emit a homogenous and collective image is a factor that can reduce the gap if dissatisfaction from the previous and real tourist perception. The discussion is centered on the relationship within a destination, between the supply network and the targeted demand, considering these two approaches jointly, to benefit destination management. The main result is a conceptual model that shows how tourism agents and tourists in the tourism destination interact to improve the destination competitiveness
Format: application/pdf
ISSN: 2013-441X
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/10256/9537
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Documenta Universitaria
Col·lecció: Reproducció digital del document publicat a: https://www.documentauniversitaria.cat/obrir_arxiu.php?arxiu=/llibres/documents/NewPerspectives_001.pdf
Articles publicats (D-OGEDP)
És part de: © New perspectives on sustainability, 2009, núm. 1, p. 23-37
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Turisme
Títol: Considering tourist perceptions and network configuration in destination management
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: DUGiDocs

