Calb贸 Angrill, Josep
Gonz谩lez Guti茅rrez, Josep Abel |
Universitat de Girona. Departament de F铆sica | |
Costa Sur贸s, Montse | |
2014 October 2 | |
Improving methods for automatic and continuous description of cloud has a huge importance in order to determine the role of clouds in climate and their contribution to climate change. The geometric characteristics of clouds, such as the cloud cover and the cloud vertical structure (CVS), including the cloud base height (CBH) which is linked to cloud type, are very important for describing the impact clouds have on the atmosphere.
It is presented a complete study of the cloud cover and the CBH above Girona (Spain) measured with a ceilometer, during the period 2007-2010. And a comparison of the CVS obtained from methods based on radiosonde profiles with estimations produced by ground-based active instruments (that is, the Active Remote Sensing of Clouds, ARSCL) over Southern Great Plains (USA) is presented in order to find the better approximation to the real vertical structure and reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the methods La millora dels m猫todes de descripci贸 autom脿tica i cont铆nua dels n煤vols 茅s de gran import脿ncia a l鈥檋ora de determinar el paper de la nuvolositat en el clima i la seva contribuci贸 al canvi clim脿tic. Les caracter铆stiques geom猫triques de la nuvolositat, com ara la fracci贸 coberta i la distribuci贸 vertical dels n煤vols (CVS), incloent l鈥檃ltura de la base (CBH), s贸n molt importants per tal de descriure l鈥檌mpacte dels n煤vols en l鈥檃tmosfera. Es presenta un estudi de la fracci贸 coberta i la CBH a Girona, mesurada amb un ceil貌metre pel per铆ode 2007-2010; i una comparaci贸 de la CVS obtinguda a partir de m猫todes basats en perfils de radiosondatges amb estimacions obtingudes d鈥檌nstruments actius en superf铆cie (l鈥橝ctive Remote Sensing of Clouds, ARSCL) sobre Southern Great Plains (EUA) per tal de trobar la millor aproximaci贸 a l鈥檈structura vertical real i revelar les fortaleses i febleses dels m猫todes utilitzats |
application/pdf | | | |
eng | |
Universitat de Girona | |
Geologia. Meteorologia |
Geometric characteristics of clouds from ceilometer measurements and radiosounding methods | |
doctoralThesis | |