
Towards closure between measured and modelled UV under clear skies at four diverse sites

The purpose of this work is determine the extent of closure between measurements and models of UV irradiances at diverse sites using state of the art instruments, models, and the best available data as inputs to the models. These include information about aerosol optical depth (unfortunately not extending down as far into the UVB region as desirable because such information is not generally available), ozone column amounts, as well as vertical profiles of temperature. We concentrate on clear-sky irradiances, and report the results in terms of UV Index (UVI)

European Geophysical Society

Author: Badosa i Franch, Jordi
McKenzie, Richard L.
Kotkamp, Michael
Calbó Angrill, Josep
González Gutiérrez, Josep Abel
Johnston, Paul V.
O’Neill, Michael
Anderson, D.J.
Abstract: The purpose of this work is determine the extent of closure between measurements and models of UV irradiances at diverse sites using state of the art instruments, models, and the best available data as inputs to the models. These include information about aerosol optical depth (unfortunately not extending down as far into the UVB region as desirable because such information is not generally available), ozone column amounts, as well as vertical profiles of temperature. We concentrate on clear-sky irradiances, and report the results in terms of UV Index (UVI)
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: European Geophysical Society
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative Commons: Reconeixement (by)
Rights URI:
Subject: Radiació ultraviolada
Radiació solar
Solar radiation
Ultraviolet radiation
Title: Towards closure between measured and modelled UV under clear skies at four diverse sites
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat



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