
Time-Delayed Theory of the Neolithic Transition in Europe

The classical wave-of-advance model of the neolithic transition (i.e., the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural economies) is based on Fisher’s reaction-diffusion equation. Here we present an extension of Einstein’s approach to Fickian diffusion, incorporating reaction terms. On this basis we show that second-order terms in the reaction-diffusion equation, which have been neglected up to now, are not in fact negligible but can lead to important corrections. The resulting time-delayed model agrees quite well with observations

American Physical Society

Autor: Fort, Joaquim
Méndez López, Vicenç
Resum: The classical wave-of-advance model of the neolithic transition (i.e., the shift from hunter-gatherer to agricultural economies) is based on Fisher’s reaction-diffusion equation. Here we present an extension of Einstein’s approach to Fickian diffusion, incorporating reaction terms. On this basis we show that second-order terms in the reaction-diffusion equation, which have been neglected up to now, are not in fact negligible but can lead to important corrections. The resulting time-delayed model agrees quite well with observations
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/209825
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: American Physical Society
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Neolític -- Models matemàtics
Neolithic period -- Mathematical models
Equacions de reacció-difusió
Reaction-diffusion equations
Títol: Time-Delayed Theory of the Neolithic Transition in Europe
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

