
Social Presence Approach Within the Question and Answering eLearning Model: An Experiment with a Multi-Agent System

The model of Questions Answering (Q&A) for eLearning is based on collaborative learning through questions that are posed by students and their answers to that questions which are given by peers, in contrast with the classical model in which students ask questions to the teacher only. In this proposal we extend the Q&A model including the social presence concept and a quantitative measure of it is proposed; besides it is considered the evolution of the resulting Q&A social network after the inclusion of the social presence and taking into account the feedback on questions posed by students and answered by peers. The social network behaviorwas simulated using a Multi-Agent System to compare the proposed social presence model with the classical and the Q&A models

Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

Author: テ」ila Garzテウn, Cecilia
Bacca Acosta, Jorge Luis
Rosa, Josep Lluテュs de la
Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
Abstract: The model of Questions Answering (Q&A) for eLearning is based on collaborative learning through questions that are posed by students and their answers to that questions which are given by peers, in contrast with the classical model in which students ask questions to the teacher only. In this proposal we extend the Q&A model including the social presence concept and a quantitative measure of it is proposed; besides it is considered the evolution of the resulting Q&A social network after the inclusion of the social presence and taking into account the feedback on questions posed by students and answered by peers. The social network behaviorwas simulated using a Multi-Agent System to compare the proposed social presence model with the classical and the Q&A models
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Sistemes multiagent
Multiagent systems
Aprenentatge -- Treball en equip
Team learning approach in education
Tecnologia educativa
Educational technology
Title: Social Presence Approach Within the Question and Answering eLearning Model: An Experiment with a Multi-Agent System
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

