Masseroni, Daniele
Ricart Casadevall, Sandra Ramírez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco Monserrat, Joaquim Gonçalves, José Manuel Lima, Isabel de Facchi, Arianna Sali, Guido Gandolfi, Claudio |
Traditionally, most irrigation practices in Southern Europe have been based on gravity-fedsurface irrigation systems. Currently, these systems remain a relevant typology in the European Union(EU) member states of the Mediterranean areas, where it is often the only sustainable method forfarmers due to the small size of agricultural holdings, their reduced capacity and readiness to investand the low ratio between yield profits and irrigation costs. In the last several years, in responseto European and national directives, surface irrigation has garnered increasing attention at thepolitical and bureaucratic levels due to frequent criticisms of its postulated low efficiency and highwater wastage. However, these systems commonly provide a number of ecosystem services andnature-based solutions that increase the positive externalities in different rural socio-ecologicalcontexts and often have the potential to extend these services and provide solutions that arecompatible with economical sustainability. This study aims to discuss the prospects for new practicesand for the rehabilitation and modernization of the gravity-fed surface irrigation systems in EUMediterranean areas to enhance water efficiency, thus gaining both economic advantages andenvironmental benefits. The difficulties, stimuli for improvements and peculiarities of the irrigationwater management of four rural environments located in Italy, Spain and Portugal were analyzedand compared to the current state of the gravity-fed surface irrigation systems with hypotheticalfuture improvements achievable by innovative technologies and practices. In these different casestudies, the current gravity-fed surface irrigation systems have an obsolete regulatory structure;water-use efficiency is not a driving criterion for the management of the conveyance and distributioncanal network, and farmers are not yet adequately encouraged to adopt more efficient gravity-fedirrigation practices. A continuous knowledge exchange is thus necessary for the interaction of allirrigation water managers and farmers to improve their eco-efficiency and to preserve and promotetheir cultural heritage across the entire water supply and delivery chains. We argue that the bestway forward will require precisely targeted rehabilitation measures of gravity-fed surface irrigationsystems based on the integrated use of decision support services, gate automation, remote andfeedback controls and real-time flow optimization | |
http://hdl.handle.net/2072/272830 | |
eng | |
Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI) | |
Attribution 4.0 Spain | |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/es/ | |
Irrigation Aigua en l’agricultura Water in agriculture |
Prospects for Improving Gravity-Fed Surface Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean European Contexts | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | |
Recercat |