Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada | |
García-León, M.
Lin, J. |
Water bodies around urban areas may be polluted with chemical elements from urban or industrialactivities. We study the case of underground water pollution. This is a serious problem, since undergroundwater is high qualified drinkable water in a world where this natural resource is increasinglyreduced. This study is focused on a two-layer aquifer. If the superficial layer is contaminated, thedeeper layer could be spoiled as well. This contribution checks the equality of the mean or centeredcomposition of the two layers, with the aim of inferring their possible hydraulic conectivity.The data to be examined are different hydro-chemical components of water, such as nitrates andnitrites (related to nitrate/nitrite poisoning of animal stock), tensoactives (toxic to the ecosystem) orpotassium (it promotes eutrophization of the water), represented in mg/l. As the data are compositional,we can group the pertinent elements and compare them applying ilr transformation. The ilrtransformation is used for simplicity when comparing compositional vectors. MANOVA (MultivariateAnalysis of Variance) is applied on the transformed data from the two layers. This provides a hypothesistest to discern whether the two aquifer layers can be considered a homogeneous continuum or, onthe contrary, they should be considered as isolated layers. An illustrative example is presented. Useddata sets, being synthetic, are inspired by a real case. These analyses suggest that the two aquifersare connected | |
http://hdl.handle.net/2072/273434 | |
eng | |
Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada | |
Tots els drets reservats | |
Aigua -- Contaminació -- Congressos
Water -- Pollution -- Congresses Distribució (Teoria de la probabilitat) -- Congressos Distribution (Probability theory) -- Congresses |
Testing Water Pollution in a Two Layer Aquifer | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject | |
Recercat |