
Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks

Around 170 sediment samples from glacial and proximal glacio-fluvial deposits have been analysedfor their geochemical composition. Samples derive from two strongly contrasting source areas(granitoids vs. amphibolite) and cover a broad grain-size range from coarse sand to clay. Followingdescriptive data evaluation, the relation of sediment geochemical composition versus grain size ismodelled using linear regression techniques in the Aitchison geometry of the simplex in order to (i)describe the effects of comminution on the composition of individual grain size fractions, (ii)describe the influence of inherited mineral-specific grain-size distributions for contrasting sourcerocks, and (iii) to test for any potential influence of chemical weathering. Results indicate strong overall grain-size control on sediment composition that is largelyreflecting the greater grain-size control on mineralogy. Comminution leads to overall strongenrichment of sheet silicates in the fine-grained fraction at the expense of quartz and, lesspronounced, feldspars. Specific elements such as Ca, P, and Ti related to certain minerals do notfollow this general trend and clearly indicate source-rock dependent enrichment of certain minerals(e.g. apatite, Ti-minerals) in medium grain-size fractions. Estimates of mineral compositionsobtained from a geometric endmember approach support these conclusions. Chemical weathering isshown to be negligible

Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada

Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada
Author: Eynatten, Hilmar von
Tolosana Delgado, Raimon
Abstract: Around 170 sediment samples from glacial and proximal glacio-fluvial deposits have been analysedfor their geochemical composition. Samples derive from two strongly contrasting source areas(granitoids vs. amphibolite) and cover a broad grain-size range from coarse sand to clay. Followingdescriptive data evaluation, the relation of sediment geochemical composition versus grain size ismodelled using linear regression techniques in the Aitchison geometry of the simplex in order to (i)describe the effects of comminution on the composition of individual grain size fractions, (ii)describe the influence of inherited mineral-specific grain-size distributions for contrasting sourcerocks, and (iii) to test for any potential influence of chemical weathering. Results indicate strong overall grain-size control on sediment composition that is largelyreflecting the greater grain-size control on mineralogy. Comminution leads to overall strongenrichment of sheet silicates in the fine-grained fraction at the expense of quartz and, lesspronounced, feldspars. Specific elements such as Ca, P, and Ti related to certain minerals do notfollow this general trend and clearly indicate source-rock dependent enrichment of certain minerals(e.g. apatite, Ti-minerals) in medium grain-size fractions. Estimates of mineral compositionsobtained from a geometric endmember approach support these conclusions. Chemical weathering isshown to be negligible
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Estadística matemàtica -- Congressos
Mathematical statistics -- Congresses
Geoquímica -- Mètodes estadístics -- Congressos
Geochemistry -- Statistical methods -- Congresses
Title: Geochemistry Versus Grain-size Relations of Sediments in the Light of comminution, chemical alteration, and contrasting source rocks
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
Repository: Recercat

