Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada | |
Ros, R.
Reixach, J. Estany, J. |
Fat content and composition are determinant factors affecting pork production and meat quality(Wood et al., 2003). Fat composition is commonly presented as the percentage of each individualfatty acid relative to total fatty acids and then some pork quality traits are described in terms ofsome fatty acid percentages (see for example the review by Wood et al., 2008). Despite beingcompositional in nature, to our knowledge there is no reference in the literature where specificcompositional data analysis methods had been applied to analyze fatty acid composition. A firstobjective of this contribution is to analyze fatty acid composition as compositional data.In meat quality research, it is common to analyze the effect of some influential factors (such asdiet, genotype, gender, live weight or age, among others) on fat content and composition, usuallythe subcutaneous (SF) or the intramuscular (IMF) fats. In these studies, the aim is mostly toestimate and then test the differences among treatments for fatty acid percentages. The pattern offatty acid deposition may differ among tissue (for instance, SF or IMF) or muscle (Kloareg et al.,2007; Duran-Montgé et al., 2008), and even between localization within a specific tissue. A secondobjective of this manuscript is to better know the differences between fatty acid deposition patternbetween tissues, localization within a tissue, and muscles.Thus, the purpose of the present study is, first, to describe a data set of fatty acid compositioncollected specifically for doing research on IMF content and composition and assess the maindifferences among IMF of three muscles and SF using compositional data methods, and, second, toapply, as a case study, specific compositional data methods to discriminate between samples of IMFand SF by fatty acid composition and compare the results with the obtained when using thetraditional approach. | |
http://hdl.handle.net/2072/273640 | |
eng | |
Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada | |
Tots els drets reservats | |
Estadística matemàtica -- Congressos
Mathematical statistics -- Congresses Anàlisi multivariable -- Congressos Mathematical statistics -- Congresses Carn de porc -- Qualitat -- Mètodes estadístics -- Congressos Pork -- Quality -- Statistical methods -- Congresses Àcids grassos -- Mètodes estadístics -- Congressos Fatty acids -- Statistical methods -- Congresses |
Exploratory Data Analysis for Fatty Acid composition in Pig Meat | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject | |
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