Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informà tica i Matemà tica Aplicada | |
Abdi, D.
Ziadi, N. Parent, Léon-Étienne |
During cultivation, the internal phosphorus cycle of Mollisols (Chernozems) of the CanadianPrairies is perturbed by crop sequences including wheat phases, tillage practices, and regularapplications of fertilizers. To monitor these changes, a proximate sequential phosphorus (P)fractionation procedure was developed by Hedley et al. (1982) to extract inorganic and organic Pfractions as very labile (resin-P), labile (NaHCO3-P), slowly available (NaOH-P), and very slowlyavailable (HCl-P) pools. Models used so far to monitor P pools do not address the interactivebehaviour of P fractions constrained to a closed compositional space. Compositional data analysisusing isometric log ratio (ilr) coordinates is appropriate for modelling the interactive P pools usingsequential binary partitions of P pools. Our objective was to model changes of P pools in Mollisolsin response to management and time using ilr coordinates. We used a dataset with treatments andanother where a Mollisol was analyzed at time zero and 4, 65, and 90 yr after sod breakup. Seven Pfractions were assigned to P reactivity groups to compute six ilr coordinates. The ilr2 contrastinginorganic (geochemical) and organic (biological) P pools and ilr4 between the most readily availableand less P bioavailable pools were the most sensitive to crop sequence and fertilization. Usingcomposition at time zero as reference, the Aitchison distance reached a plateau after the 4th year inthe Bm horizon compared to continuous change in the Ah horizon. Time changed the P balance ofcultivated Mollisols primarily in the inorganic vs. organic P pools. The risks of yield loss andenvironmental damage can be minimized using soil tests that quantify the rapidly bioavailableinorganic P pools and crop management strategies that promote biological P pools. | | | |
eng | |
Universitat de Girona. Departament d’Informà tica i Matemà tica Aplicada | |
Tots els drets reservats | |
EstadÃstica matemà tica -- Congressos
Mathematical statistics -- Congresses Anà lisi multivariable -- Congressos Mathematical statistics -- Congresses Sòls -- Mètodes estadÃstics -- Congressos Soils -- Statistical methods -- Congresses |
Compositional analysis of phosphorus pools in Canadian Mollisols | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject | |
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