
Exploring the Relationship between two Compositions using Canonical Correlation Analys

The aim of this article is to describe a method for relating two compositions whichcombines compositional data analysis and canonical correlation analysis (CCA),and to examine its main statistical properties. We use additive log-ratio (alr)transformation on both compositions and apply standard CCA to the transformeddata. We show that canonical variates are themselves log-ratios and log-contrasts.The first pair of canonical variates can be interpreted as the log-contrast of acomposition that has the maximum correlation with a log-contrast of the othercomposition. The second pair can be interpreted as the log-contrast of acomposition that has the maximum correlation with a log-contrast of the othercomposition, under the restriction that they are uncorrelated with the first pair, andso on.Using properties from changes of basis, we prove that both canonicalcorrelations and canonical variates are invariant to the choice of divisors in alrtransformation. We show how to implement the analysis and interpret the resultsby means of an illustration from the social sciences field using data from Kolb’sLearning Style Inventory and Boyatzis’ Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire,which distribute a fixed total score among several learning modes andphilosophical orientations

The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by Spanish Health Ministry Grant CB06/02/1002 funding the research group “Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP)”; Catalan Autonomous Government Consolidated Research Group Grants 2014SGR551 and 2014SGR582 funding the research groups “Compositional and Spatial Data Analysis (COSDA)” and “Leadership Development Research Centre (GLEAD)”; Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry grants MINECO/FEDER-EU MTM2015-65016-C2-1-R and EDU2015-68610-R funding the projects “Compositional Data Analysis and RElated meThOdS (CODA-RETOS)” and “Assessing Individual and Team Entrepreneurial Potential”; and University of Girona grants MPCUdG2016/069 and MPCUdG2016/098

University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Social Sciences

Autor: Mateu i Figueras, Glòria
Daunis i Estadella, Josep
Coenders, Germà
Ferrer Rosell, Berta
Selavós, Ricard
Batista Foguet, Joan Manuel
Resum: The aim of this article is to describe a method for relating two compositions whichcombines compositional data analysis and canonical correlation analysis (CCA),and to examine its main statistical properties. We use additive log-ratio (alr)transformation on both compositions and apply standard CCA to the transformeddata. We show that canonical variates are themselves log-ratios and log-contrasts.The first pair of canonical variates can be interpreted as the log-contrast of acomposition that has the maximum correlation with a log-contrast of the othercomposition. The second pair can be interpreted as the log-contrast of acomposition that has the maximum correlation with a log-contrast of the othercomposition, under the restriction that they are uncorrelated with the first pair, andso on.Using properties from changes of basis, we prove that both canonicalcorrelations and canonical variates are invariant to the choice of divisors in alrtransformation. We show how to implement the analysis and interpret the resultsby means of an illustration from the social sciences field using data from Kolb’sLearning Style Inventory and Boyatzis’ Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire,which distribute a fixed total score among several learning modes andphilosophical orientations
The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by Spanish Health Ministry Grant CB06/02/1002 funding the research group “Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP)”; Catalan Autonomous Government Consolidated Research Group Grants 2014SGR551 and 2014SGR582 funding the research groups “Compositional and Spatial Data Analysis (COSDA)” and “Leadership Development Research Centre (GLEAD)”; Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry grants MINECO/FEDER-EU MTM2015-65016-C2-1-R and EDU2015-68610-R funding the projects “Compositional Data Analysis and RElated meThOdS (CODA-RETOS)” and “Assessing Individual and Team Entrepreneurial Potential”; and University of Girona grants MPCUdG2016/069 and MPCUdG2016/098
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/282306
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Social Sciences
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Anàlisi multivariable
Multivariate analysis
Correlació (Estadística)
Correlation (Statistics)
Títol: Exploring the Relationship between two Compositions using Canonical Correlation Analys
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

