Arimany Serrat, Nuria
Farreras Noguer, M. Àngels Rabaseda i Tarrés, Joaquim |
The present study reflects the economic and financial analysis of major wine production firms in the Rioja 2008-2013. This work reflects the economic and financial analysis major wine production firms in the Rioja in 2008-2013. The study presents the main economic and financial indicators to diagnose the economic health of those companies in 2008-2013 by analyzing short and long term, an analysis of the results and an analysis of changes in equity and cash flows of the wineries. It also presents a comparison with the Catalan wineries to mime period. Design/methodology: The data used comes from the statements of the wine industry in the period 2008-2013 in the Rioja (the SABI database) and in particular it contains a sample of wine producing companies considered large-level accounting (according to the General Accounting Plan). The Rioja companies have a minimum income of € 5.7 million and have minimum assets of € 2.85 million in the sample carried out using descriptive statistics and analysis of results and conclusions have been reached. Findings: The study identifies economic and financial health of the Rioja wineries that concentrate large part of sales, to assess whether they follow a balanced economic growth in the 2008-2013 period analyzed. Research limitations/implications: It would be desirable to extend the sample to small wineries and to get present data to confirm trend changes in economic and financial analysis. Practical implications: It allows us to assess the projection of this sector in recent years in the Rioja in order to take the appropriate economic decisions in this regard. Social implications: The results show that changes are needed in the sector so that Rioja wine companies can maintain their good position. Originality/value: For partnerships, cooperatives and wine companies to give relevant economic information and financial health of wine businesses in this difficult period with instructions to help meet the challenges of the future El presente trabajo muestra el análisis económico financiero de las grandesindustrias elaboradoras de vino de la Rioja durante el período 2008-2013. El estudiopresenta los principales indicadores económicos y financieros para poder diagnosticar lasalud de estas empresas en el período 2008-2013 mediante un análisis a corto y largoplazo, un análisis de los resultados y un análisis de los cambios patrimoniales y de losflujos de efectivo de las empresas vinícolas. También se presenta una comparativa conlas empresas vinícolas catalanas para el mimo período.Diseño/metodología/enfoque: Los datos utilizados proceden de los estadoscontables de las industrias vinícolas en el período 2008-2013, en concreto, se recoge dela base de datos SABI una muestra de empresas riojanas que elaboran vino con unosingresos de explotación mínimos de 5,700,000 euros y unos activos totales mínimos de2,850,000 euros, que presentan cuentas anuales normales siguiendo lo que dispone elPlan General Contable en ese período;y se lleva a cabo el análisis económico financierode las mismas mediante la estadística descriptiva oportuna llegando a unos resultados yconclusiones.Aportaciones y resultados: El estudio permite identificar la salud económicafinanciera de las empresas vinícolas de la Rioja que concentran gran parte de lasventas, para valorar si gozan de un crecimiento económico equilibrado en el período2008-2013 analizado |
http://hdl.handle.net/2072/285314 | |
spa | |
OmniaScience | |
Attribution 3.0 Spain | |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/es/ | |
Anàlisi financera -- Rioja
Investment analysis -- Rioja Economia Economics Empreses -- Finances Business enterprises -- Finance |
Economic and financial analysis of Rioja wine sector | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | |
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