Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Espanya) | |
Marimón, Elena
Nait-Charif, Hammadi Khan, Asmar Marsden, Philip A. Diaz Montesdeoca, Oliver |
X-ray Mammography examinations are highly affected by scattered radiation, as it degrades the quality of the image and complicates the diagnosis process. Anti-scatter grids are currently used in planar mammography examinations as the standard physical scattering reduction technique. This method has been found to be inefficient, as it increases the dose delivered to the patient, does not remove all the scattered radiation and increases the price of the equipment. Alternative scattering reduction methods, based on post-processing algorithms, are being investigated to substitute anti-scatter grids. Methods such as the convolution-based scatter estimation have lately become attractive as they are quicker and more flexible than pure Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. In this study we make use of this specific method, which is based on the premise that the scatter in the system is spatially diffuse, thus it can be approximated by a two-dimensional low-pass convolution filter of the primary image. This algorithm uses the narrow pencil beam method to obtain the scatter kernel used to convolve an image, acquired without anti-scatter grid. The results obtained show an image quality comparable, in the worst case, to the grid image, in terms of uniformity and contrast to noise ratio. Further improvement is expected when using clinically-representative phantoms Oliver Díaz is supported by the European Union within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (H2020-MSCA-IF-2014 SCARtool project, reference 657875) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, under project reference DPI2015-68442-R |
http://hdl.handle.net/2072/293799 | |
eng | |
SPIE Proceedings | |
Tots els drets reservats | |
Mama – Radiografia
Breast – Radiography Imatges digitals Digital images Imatgeria mèdica Imaging systems in medicine Monte Carlo method Montecarlo, Mètode de Mama -- Imatgeria Mama -- Imaging |
Scatter reduction for grid-less mammography using the convolution-based image post-processing technique | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | |
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