
Who are Cerverí’s worst enemies?

Those who heard the piece sung at the royal court of Aragon, where it was composed, were more than likely familiar with its author, the troubadour Cerverí de Girona, one of the most significant poets of the time. If later readers knew the poem from a compilation similar to the only chansonnier that has preserved it until present times, they would have had access to at least one hundred and three other pieces by the same troubadour, which give useful clues to understand this self-referential piece

City University of New York. Graduate Center

Author: Cabré, Míriam
Abstract: Those who heard the piece sung at the royal court of Aragon, where it was composed, were more than likely familiar with its author, the troubadour Cerverí de Girona, one of the most significant poets of the time. If later readers knew the poem from a compilation similar to the only chansonnier that has preserved it until present times, they would have had access to at least one hundred and three other pieces by the same troubadour, which give useful clues to understand this self-referential piece
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: City University of New York. Graduate Center
Rights: Attribution 3.0 Spain
Rights URI:
Subject: Cerverí, de Girona, ca. 1259-ca. 1285 -- Crítica i interpretació
Cerverí, de Girona, ca. 1259-ca. 1285 -- Criticism and interpretation
Cançons trobadoresques
Troubadour songs
Poesia occitana
Occitan poetry
Title: Who are Cerverí’s worst enemies?
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

