
Characterization and quantification of polyradical character

The decomposition of 〈͈Ŝ²〉 into atomic and diatomic contributions (local spin analysis) is used to detect and quantify the polyradical character of molecular systems. A model triradical system is studied in detail, and the local spin analysis is used to distinguish several patterns of local spin distributions and spin-spin interactions that can be found for different electronic states. How close a real molecular system is to an ideal system of k perfectly localized spin centers is utilized to define a measure of its k-radical character. The spin properties and triradical character of the lowest-lying electronic states of a number of all σ, all π, and σ-π organic triradicals are discussed in detail. The local spin contributions exhibit good correlation with experimental triradical stabilization energies

Financial help has been furnished by the Spanish MICINN Projects No. CTQ2011-23441/BQU. Financial support from MICINN and the FEDER fund (European Fund for Regional Development) was also provided by grant UNG108-4E-003. Financial support from the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR528 and Xarxa de Referencia en Quimica Teorica i Computacional) is also acknowledged. E.R-C. acknowledges support from the Spanish FPU program (Grant No. AP2008-01231) and from the EU under a Marie Curie Career Integration grant (PCI09-GA-2011-294240)

American Chemical Society (ACS)

Manager: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanya)
Generalitat de Catalunya. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Author: Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
Salvador Sedano, Pedro
Abstract: The decomposition of 〈͈Ŝ²〉 into atomic and diatomic contributions (local spin analysis) is used to detect and quantify the polyradical character of molecular systems. A model triradical system is studied in detail, and the local spin analysis is used to distinguish several patterns of local spin distributions and spin-spin interactions that can be found for different electronic states. How close a real molecular system is to an ideal system of k perfectly localized spin centers is utilized to define a measure of its k-radical character. The spin properties and triradical character of the lowest-lying electronic states of a number of all σ, all π, and σ-π organic triradicals are discussed in detail. The local spin contributions exhibit good correlation with experimental triradical stabilization energies
Financial help has been furnished by the Spanish MICINN Projects No. CTQ2011-23441/BQU. Financial support from MICINN and the FEDER fund (European Fund for Regional Development) was also provided by grant UNG108-4E-003. Financial support from the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR528 and Xarxa de Referencia en Quimica Teorica i Computacional) is also acknowledged. E.R-C. acknowledges support from the Spanish FPU program (Grant No. AP2008-01231) and from the EU under a Marie Curie Career Integration grant (PCI09-GA-2011-294240)
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: American Chemical Society (ACS)
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Química quàntica
Quantum chemistry
Spin (Física nuclear)
Nuclear spin
Polarització (Física nuclear)
Polarization (Nuclear physics)
Title: Characterization and quantification of polyradical character
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

