
Structural and Magnetic Changes due to the Martensitic Transformation in Rapidly Solidified Ni50Mn37Sn6.5In6.5 Ribbons

The present study reports on the analysis of the microstructure, martensitic transformation, and thermomagnetic response of a Ni50Mn37Sn6.5In6.5 Heusler alloy produced by melt spinning. Columnar grains and preferential orientation have been obtained. The As-spun alloy displayed a single phase (L2(1) cubic austenite) structure at room temperature. The structural austenite-martensite transformation was checked by calorimetry. The magnetic change due to the martensitic transformation induced by high magnetic fields of up to 30 kOe was investigated. The martensitic transformation temperatures were noted to decrease with the increase of magnetic field

This study was supported by financial funds from the MAT2013-47231-C2-2-P project. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Xavier Fontrodona Gubau for her XRD support

Springer Verlag

Director: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Espanya)
Autor: Rekik, Hanen
Chemingui, Mahmoud
Marzouki, A.
Bosch, E.
Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa
Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep
Khitouni, Mohamed
Resum: The present study reports on the analysis of the microstructure, martensitic transformation, and thermomagnetic response of a Ni50Mn37Sn6.5In6.5 Heusler alloy produced by melt spinning. Columnar grains and preferential orientation have been obtained. The As-spun alloy displayed a single phase (L2(1) cubic austenite) structure at room temperature. The structural austenite-martensite transformation was checked by calorimetry. The magnetic change due to the martensitic transformation induced by high magnetic fields of up to 30 kOe was investigated. The martensitic transformation temperatures were noted to decrease with the increase of magnetic field
This study was supported by financial funds from the MAT2013-47231-C2-2-P project. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Xavier Fontrodona Gubau for her XRD support
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/296175
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Springer Verlag
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Anàlisi tèrmica
Thermal analysis
Aliatges amb memòria de forma
Shape memory alloys
Camps magnètics
Magnetic fields
Transformacions martensítiques
Martensitic transformations
Títol: Structural and Magnetic Changes due to the Martensitic Transformation in Rapidly Solidified Ni50Mn37Sn6.5In6.5 Ribbons
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

