
Simplification method for textured polygonal meshes based on structural appearance

This paper proposes an image-based simplification method for textured triangle meshes that preserves the structural appearance of textured models. Models used in interactive applications are usually composed of textured polygonal meshes. Since textures play an important role in the final appearance of the simplified model, great distortions can be obtained if texture information is not considered in the simplification process. Our method is based on an information channel created between a sphere of viewpoints and the texture regions. This channel enables us to define both the Shannon entropy and the mutual information associated with each viewpoint, and their respective generalizations based on Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis entropy. Several experiments show that great visual distortions are avoided when textured models are simplified using our method

This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (TIN2010-21089-C03-01, TIN2010-21089-C03-03, TIN2009-14103-C03-01), Caja Castellon Bancaja Foundation (P1.1B2010-08, P1.1B2009-34), the European Union (Ref. 226487), the Regional Government of Valencia (Project PROMETEO/2010/028, BEST/2011), and the Regional Government of Catalunya (2009-SGR-643)

Springer Verlag

Director: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanya)
Generalitat de Catalunya. Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
Autor: González, Carlos
Castelló, Pascual
Chover, Miguel
Sbert, Mateu
Feixas Feixas, Miquel
Gumbau, Jesús
Resum: This paper proposes an image-based simplification method for textured triangle meshes that preserves the structural appearance of textured models. Models used in interactive applications are usually composed of textured polygonal meshes. Since textures play an important role in the final appearance of the simplified model, great distortions can be obtained if texture information is not considered in the simplification process. Our method is based on an information channel created between a sphere of viewpoints and the texture regions. This channel enables us to define both the Shannon entropy and the mutual information associated with each viewpoint, and their respective generalizations based on Harvda-Charvát-Tsallis entropy. Several experiments show that great visual distortions are avoided when textured models are simplified using our method
This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (TIN2010-21089-C03-01, TIN2010-21089-C03-03, TIN2009-14103-C03-01), Caja Castellon Bancaja Foundation (P1.1B2010-08, P1.1B2009-34), the European Union (Ref. 226487), the Regional Government of Valencia (Project PROMETEO/2010/028, BEST/2011), and the Regional Government of Catalunya (2009-SGR-643)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/296953
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Springer Verlag
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Informació, Teoria de la
Information theory
Títol: Simplification method for textured polygonal meshes based on structural appearance
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

