
Anàlisi estadístic i visualització de la robustesa de xarxes

It is well known that we live now in a society more intercommunicated than ever. The clearest example that comes to mind is Internet, which is the huge network that connects many devices and people around the world and is changing and growing rapidly every day. But many other types of services are required to ensure the modern lifestyle: electricity, running water, gas, public transports... All these services are distributed through their own network, each with its characteristics, and they have become essential in our everyday life. Unfortunately, all these networks have to deal against failures in their elements everyday, which could endanger the correct service provision: a cut on a power line could provoke a blackout, a blockage on the train tracks could lead to several delays. Due to the omnipresence of these networks, a failure could involve a big problem upon a portion of the population, that is why it is necessary to have robust networks against these failures, capable to fight against them and minimize their impact. The study of the network robustness tries to find methods to measure this robustness, thus, being able to design better networks or to enhance the existing ones. This project starts from a recent PhD thesis made by a former student of the Universitat de Girona, Marc Manzano, in collaboration with the research group BCDS1 (Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems). Its main objective is to find a way to measure the network robustness using several metrics summed all together

Manager: Marzo i Lázaro, Josep Lluís
Other contributions: Universitat de Girona. Escola Politècnica Superior
Author: Capdevila Mas, Jordi
Abstract: It is well known that we live now in a society more intercommunicated than ever. The clearest example that comes to mind is Internet, which is the huge network that connects many devices and people around the world and is changing and growing rapidly every day. But many other types of services are required to ensure the modern lifestyle: electricity, running water, gas, public transports... All these services are distributed through their own network, each with its characteristics, and they have become essential in our everyday life. Unfortunately, all these networks have to deal against failures in their elements everyday, which could endanger the correct service provision: a cut on a power line could provoke a blackout, a blockage on the train tracks could lead to several delays. Due to the omnipresence of these networks, a failure could involve a big problem upon a portion of the population, that is why it is necessary to have robust networks against these failures, capable to fight against them and minimize their impact. The study of the network robustness tries to find methods to measure this robustness, thus, being able to design better networks or to enhance the existing ones. This project starts from a recent PhD thesis made by a former student of the Universitat de Girona, Marc Manzano, in collaboration with the research group BCDS1 (Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems). Its main objective is to find a way to measure the network robustness using several metrics summed all together
Document access:
Language: eng
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Rights URI:
Subject: Control de robustesa
Telecomunicació, Sistemes de
Ordinadors, Xarxes d’ -- Avaluació
Robust control
Telecommunication Systems
Computer networks -- Evaluation
Title: Anàlisi estadístic i visualització de la robustesa de xarxes
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Repository: Recercat

