
Microhabitat selection and diel patterns of zooplankton in a Mediterranean temporary pond

Changes in zooplankton microhabitat use in lakes through diel migrations (vertical and horizontal) have been related to habitat heterogeneity and to predation pressure, among other factors. However, there is a controversy concerning the effectiveness of diel migrations in temporary ponds, due to the shallowness of these systems and their distinct aquatic predator communities (mainly macroinvertebrates and amphibians). In order to test if diel microhabitat selection patterns described from lakes hold in temporary ponds, we developed a study using funnel traps at different zones of the pond (high and low vegetation density; surface and bottom of the pond) that were checked during the day and at night. Additionally, we assessed predation risk by sampling the macroinvertebrate community at the same time. In the studied Mediterranean temporary pond, zooplankton exhibited diel patterns of microhabitat selection: cladocerans showed a diel horizontal pattern, whereas copepods showed a diel vertical pattern. Results suggest that microhabitat selection and the associated diel pattern may be explained by both biological (potential predation) and environmental drivers (habitat heterogeneity and protection against ultraviolet radiation)

This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n, Programa de Investigacio´n Fundamental No Orientada (CGL2011-23907)

Springer Verlag

Director: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanya)
Autor: Compte Ciurana, Jordi
Montenegro, Marc
Ruhí i Vidal, Albert
Gascón Garcia, Stéphanie
Sala Genoher, Jordi
Boix Masafret, Dani
Resum: Changes in zooplankton microhabitat use in lakes through diel migrations (vertical and horizontal) have been related to habitat heterogeneity and to predation pressure, among other factors. However, there is a controversy concerning the effectiveness of diel migrations in temporary ponds, due to the shallowness of these systems and their distinct aquatic predator communities (mainly macroinvertebrates and amphibians). In order to test if diel microhabitat selection patterns described from lakes hold in temporary ponds, we developed a study using funnel traps at different zones of the pond (high and low vegetation density; surface and bottom of the pond) that were checked during the day and at night. Additionally, we assessed predation risk by sampling the macroinvertebrate community at the same time. In the studied Mediterranean temporary pond, zooplankton exhibited diel patterns of microhabitat selection: cladocerans showed a diel horizontal pattern, whereas copepods showed a diel vertical pattern. Results suggest that microhabitat selection and the associated diel pattern may be explained by both biological (potential predation) and environmental drivers (habitat heterogeneity and protection against ultraviolet radiation)
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n, Programa de Investigacio´n Fundamental No Orientada (CGL2011-23907)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/297681
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Springer Verlag
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Macròfits
Nínxol ecològic
Niche (Ecology)
Depredació (Biologia)
Predation (Biology)
Títol: Microhabitat selection and diel patterns of zooplankton in a Mediterranean temporary pond
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

