
A quasi-static indentation test to elucidate the sequence of damage events in low velocity impacts on composite laminates

Any attempt to achieve composite laminates with improved damage tolerance to low velocity impacts must depart from the understanding of the sequence of damage mechanisms taking place. To this purpose, a series of quasi-static indentation experiments was conducted on AS4D/TC350 carbon/epoxy specimens. The induced damage at different indenter displacements was characterized using electron microscopy and C-scan, while the residual indentation profiles were captured with a 3D surface roughness machine. The indentation depth was shown to have relaxed after the test, reaching a steady value after 14 days. For the conditions explored, the relaxation was not dependent on the damage extent. The results showed that matrix cracking is in fact the crucial damage mechanism as it is responsible for the first sudden loss of load capacity and triggers the progressive growth of delaminations

The authors would ike to acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and the European Union under contracts DPI2012-34465 and MAT2013-46749-R


Manager: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Espanya)
Author: Wagih, Ahmed
Maimí Vert, Pere
Blanco Villaverde, Norbert
Costa i Balanzat, Josep
Abstract: Any attempt to achieve composite laminates with improved damage tolerance to low velocity impacts must depart from the understanding of the sequence of damage mechanisms taking place. To this purpose, a series of quasi-static indentation experiments was conducted on AS4D/TC350 carbon/epoxy specimens. The induced damage at different indenter displacements was characterized using electron microscopy and C-scan, while the residual indentation profiles were captured with a 3D surface roughness machine. The indentation depth was shown to have relaxed after the test, reaching a steady value after 14 days. For the conditions explored, the relaxation was not dependent on the damage extent. The results showed that matrix cracking is in fact the crucial damage mechanism as it is responsible for the first sudden loss of load capacity and triggers the progressive growth of delaminations
The authors would ike to acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and the European Union under contracts DPI2012-34465 and MAT2013-46749-R
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Elsevier
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Polímers
Microscòpia electrònica
Electron microscopy
Materials compostos -- Deslaminatge
Composite materials -- Delamination
Title: A quasi-static indentation test to elucidate the sequence of damage events in low velocity impacts on composite laminates
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

