Corredor Plaja, Anna-Maria | |
Having translated some twenty works, the majority of them literary works, means having a certain experience acquired, part of it, due to having to solve a thousand and one difficulties, and doubts that have arisen during the process of translation of each of the texts. Each translated work is a new experience, in which we come across multiple occasions to reflect on the relationship between the theory and the translating practice and about certain translating concepts: from what we understand by fidelity to the use of footnotes, going through the obstacle represented by the linguistic games or the treatment of cultural concepts of the source language. This article will expose some of these reflections and these are illustrated with examples that have motivated them Haver tradu茂t una vintena d鈥檕bres, la majoria liter脿ries, suposa tenir un cert bagatge adquirit, en part, a c貌pia d鈥檋aver de resoldre mil i una dificultats i dubtes diversos sorgits durant el proc茅s de traducci贸 de cadascun dels textos. Cada obra tradu茂da 茅s una experi猫ncia nova, durant la qual es presenten m煤ltiples ocasions per reflexionar sobre la relaci贸 de la teoria amb la pr脿ctica traductora i sobre determinats conceptes traductol貌gics: des de qu猫 entenem per fidelitat fins a l鈥櫭簊 de les notes a peu de p脿gina, passant per l鈥檕bstacle que representen els jocs ling眉铆stics o el tractament dels conceptes culturals de la llengua de partida. En aquest article s鈥檈xposen algunes d鈥檃questes reflexions i s鈥檌l路lustren amb els exemples que les han motivat |
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Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Departament de Traducci贸 i d鈥橧nterpretaci贸 | |
Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Spain | | | |
Translations |
Llegir, interpretar, traduir: el dif铆cil equilibri entre el text original i el text meta | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | |
Recercat |