
The spread of the Argentine ant: Environmental determinants and impacts on native ant communities

The increasing numbers of invasive species have stimulated the study of the underlying causes promoting the establishment and spread of exotic species. We tracked the spread of the highly invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) along an environmental and habitat gradient on the northeastern Iberian Peninsula to determine the role of climatic, habitat and biotic variables on the rate of spread, and examine impact on native ant communities. We found the species well-established within natural environments. The mean annual rate of spread of the invasion (7.94 ± 2.99 m/year) was relatively low compared to other studies, suggesting that resistance posed by native ants in natural environments with no or low human disturbance might delay (although not prevent) the spread of the invasion irrespectively of the land-use type. Factors related to the distance to urban areas and characteristics of native and introduced populations explained the rate of spread of the invasion, while habitat-related variables determined the distribution of native ants and the impact of the Argentine ant on them. Native ant communities became more homogeneous following the invasion due to the decline of species richness and abundance. Only few species (Plagiolepis pygmaea and Temnothorax spp.) were able to cope with the spread of the invasion, and were possibly favored by the local extinction of other ant species. Taken together, our results indicate that land uses per se do not directly affect the spread of L. humile, but influence its invasive success by molding the configuration of native ant communities and the abiotic suitability of the site

Financial support for this study came from Beatriu de Pino´s Postdoctoral Grant (2006 BP-A 10124) from the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (in support of NRP), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government CGL2004-05240-C02-02/BOS (NRP and JMB)

Springer Verlag

Director: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Espanya)
Autor: Roura i Pascual, Núria
Bas Lay, Josep Maria
Hui, Cang
Resum: The increasing numbers of invasive species have stimulated the study of the underlying causes promoting the establishment and spread of exotic species. We tracked the spread of the highly invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) along an environmental and habitat gradient on the northeastern Iberian Peninsula to determine the role of climatic, habitat and biotic variables on the rate of spread, and examine impact on native ant communities. We found the species well-established within natural environments. The mean annual rate of spread of the invasion (7.94 ± 2.99 m/year) was relatively low compared to other studies, suggesting that resistance posed by native ants in natural environments with no or low human disturbance might delay (although not prevent) the spread of the invasion irrespectively of the land-use type. Factors related to the distance to urban areas and characteristics of native and introduced populations explained the rate of spread of the invasion, while habitat-related variables determined the distribution of native ants and the impact of the Argentine ant on them. Native ant communities became more homogeneous following the invasion due to the decline of species richness and abundance. Only few species (Plagiolepis pygmaea and Temnothorax spp.) were able to cope with the spread of the invasion, and were possibly favored by the local extinction of other ant species. Taken together, our results indicate that land uses per se do not directly affect the spread of L. humile, but influence its invasive success by molding the configuration of native ant communities and the abiotic suitability of the site
Financial support for this study came from Beatriu de Pino´s Postdoctoral Grant (2006 BP-A 10124) from the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (in support of NRP), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Spanish Government CGL2004-05240-C02-02/BOS (NRP and JMB)
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/297831
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Springer Verlag
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Invasions biològiques
Biological invasions
Animals invasors
Introduced organisms
Formiga argentina
Argentine ant
Títol: The spread of the Argentine ant: Environmental determinants and impacts on native ant communities
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

