
Evaluating a Research Training Programme for People with Intellectual Disabilities Participating in Inclusive Research: The Views of Participants

This article presents the results of evaluating a research training programme aimed at developing the skills of people with intellectual disabilities to actively participate in inclusive research. Methods: The present authors opted for a responsive approach to evaluation, using a combination of interviews, questionnaires and focus groups to gather information on the views of students, trainers and members of the research team regarding how the programme progressed, the learning achieved and participants’ satisfaction with the programme. Results: The evaluation showed that most of the participants were satisfied with the programme and provided guidelines for planning contents and materials, demonstrating the usefulness of these types of programme in constructing the research group and empowering people with intellectual disabilities to participate in research. Conclusions: The evaluation revealed that the programme had been a positive social experience that fostered interest in lifelong learning for people with intellectual disabilities

The present authors would like to express our gratitude to the members of the Advisory Committee, professors at the University of Girona who worked selflessly on the training course and MINECO, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, for giving financial support through two research project grants (Reference grant numbers: EDU2011-22945 and EDU2014-55460-R)


Manager: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanya)
Author: Fullana Noell, Judit
Pallisera, Maria
Català, Elena
Puyaltó Rovira, Carolina
Abstract: This article presents the results of evaluating a research training programme aimed at developing the skills of people with intellectual disabilities to actively participate in inclusive research. Methods: The present authors opted for a responsive approach to evaluation, using a combination of interviews, questionnaires and focus groups to gather information on the views of students, trainers and members of the research team regarding how the programme progressed, the learning achieved and participants’ satisfaction with the programme. Results: The evaluation showed that most of the participants were satisfied with the programme and provided guidelines for planning contents and materials, demonstrating the usefulness of these types of programme in constructing the research group and empowering people with intellectual disabilities to participate in research. Conclusions: The evaluation revealed that the programme had been a positive social experience that fostered interest in lifelong learning for people with intellectual disabilities
The present authors would like to express our gratitude to the members of the Advisory Committee, professors at the University of Girona who worked selflessly on the training course and MINECO, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, for giving financial support through two research project grants (Reference grant numbers: EDU2011-22945 and EDU2014-55460-R)
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Wiley
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Discapacitats -- Educació
People with disabilities -- Education
Educació inclusiva
Inclusive education
Discapacitats mentals
People with mental disabilities
Title: Evaluating a Research Training Programme for People with Intellectual Disabilities Participating in Inclusive Research: The Views of Participants
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

