Gómez López, Crisanto
Feo, Carles |
Universitat de Girona. Facultat de Ciències | |
Vila Belmonte, Mar | |
The European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) is a species of freshwater turtle that is distributed throughout much of Europe. Despite having a wide distribuXon, many of their populaXons suffer a major setback, causing their fragmentaXon and disjointaXon. The InternaXonal Union for ConservaXon of Nature (IUCN) has considered this species, since 1996, near threatened (NT) on a global level. In Spain, this species has a vulnerable state (VU), although populaXons Northwest and East are considered endangered (EN). E.orbicularis is listed as strictly protected under Annex II of the Berne ConvenXon and Annex I and Annex II of the Habitats DirecXve EEC. The situaXon of threatened species of E.orbicularis requires the implementaXon of projects for recovery in it environment. This study is part of a LIFE project consisXng of a populaXon reinforcement of this species through capXve breeding, release and follow-up populaXon to see the different stages of the process of adaptaXon to the new environment. The current work studies releases of two consecuXve years: the release made in 2015 to see the growth of the populaXon and if they conXnued adapXng to the environment and the release of this year to closely monitor the movements that they made for exploraXon and adaptaXon to the new territory. Subsequently, the data of these two years will be used to complete the project in 2017 with new insights into the biology of this turtle that will enable us to choose the best environments to enhance future populaXon reinforcement. This year newly created ponds, a canal in Sobrànigues and another pond in Flaçà were selected for the release of 50 individuals. Monitoring is done with a system of transmimers and one receiver and to conXnue to monitor the released in 2015, a trap system is used in order to give us informaXon about their growth and populaXon. Kernel index was calculated to determine the home range, the core area and fidelity of specimen. Only one individual remained in its area, the rest keep on seeking an opXmal environment. Catches have shown no significant differences between areas or between the sexes in terms of growth and that populaXons are stable as far as the number of individuals is concerned | |
http://hdl.handle.net/2072/298407 | |
cat | |
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain | |
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/ | |
Emídids Cria i desenvolupament
Emídids Protecció Emydidae -- Conservation Emydidae -- Breeding |
Projecte de reforçament poblacional d’Emys orbicularis a les riberes del Baix Ter | |
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
Recercat |