
Knowledge representation in support of adaptable elearning services for all

In general, formal knowledge representation enables computers characterize relevant information related to determined process elements and actors in a domain for specific advanced reasoning. In the eLearning domain, several mechanisms of knowledge representation have been proposed, such as standards, technological specifications and ontologies. Both ontologies and specifications play an important role in eLearning systems because they offer an explicit conceptualisation allowing key concepts and terms relevant to a given domain to be identified and defined in a structure able to facilitate reasoning, use and exchange knowledge between the components and users of its systems and by that, to contribute to the increase of its computational intelligence. In this paper we introduce the importance of the knowledge representation mechanisms to support the generation of adaptable eLearning services for all

Authors would like to thank to: European Commission for its support through the funding of the ALTERNATIVA Project (DCI-ALA/19.09.01/10/21526/245-575/ALFA III(2010)88); the Spanish Science and Education Ministry for the financial support of ARreLS project: Augmented Reality in Adaptive Learning Management Systems for All (TIN2011-23930) and to all involved in the activities supporting the development of the CoSpaces Training System


Director: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Espanya)
Autor: Sarraipa, João
Baldiris Navarro, Silvia Margarita
Fabregat Gesa, Ramon
Jardim-Goncalves, Ricardo
Resum: In general, formal knowledge representation enables computers characterize relevant information related to determined process elements and actors in a domain for specific advanced reasoning. In the eLearning domain, several mechanisms of knowledge representation have been proposed, such as standards, technological specifications and ontologies. Both ontologies and specifications play an important role in eLearning systems because they offer an explicit conceptualisation allowing key concepts and terms relevant to a given domain to be identified and defined in a structure able to facilitate reasoning, use and exchange knowledge between the components and users of its systems and by that, to contribute to the increase of its computational intelligence. In this paper we introduce the importance of the knowledge representation mechanisms to support the generation of adaptable eLearning services for all
Authors would like to thank to: European Commission for its support through the funding of the ALTERNATIVA Project (DCI-ALA/19.09.01/10/21526/245-575/ALFA III(2010)88); the Spanish Science and Education Ministry for the financial support of ARreLS project: Augmented Reality in Adaptive Learning Management Systems for All (TIN2011-23930) and to all involved in the activities supporting the development of the CoSpaces Training System
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/299920
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Elsevier
Drets: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
URI Drets: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/es/
Matèria: Ensenyament assistit per ordinador
Computer-assisted instruction
Tecnologia educativa
Educational technology
Ensenyament virtual
Web-based instruction
Títol: Knowledge representation in support of adaptable elearning services for all
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

