
Distinctive denitrifying capabilities lead to differences in N2O production by denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms and denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms

This study aims at investigating the denitrification kinetics in two separate enriched cultures of denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (dPAO) and denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms (dGAO) and compare their N2O accumulation potential under different conditions. Two sequencing batch reactors were inoculated to develop dPAO and dGAO enriched microbial communities separately. Seven batch tests with different combinations of electron acceptors (nitrate, nitrite and/or nitrous oxide) were carried out with the enriched biomass from both reactors. Results indicate that in almost all batch tests, N2O accumulated for both cultures, however dPAOs showed a higher denitrification capacity compared to dGAOs due to their higher nitrogen oxides reduction rates. Additionally, the effect of the simultaneous presence of several electron acceptors in the reduction rates of the different nitrogen oxides was also assessed in dPAOs and dGAOs

This study was funded by the Spanish Government (MINECO) (CTM 2011-27163 and CTM 2015-66892-R), the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG 303946) and the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/AACAMB/12058/2010, UID/Multi/04378/2013 , PhD grant SFRH/BD/74515/2010). Spanish and Portuguese Governments are acknowledged for Acciones Integradas (PRIAIBPT- 2011-1232) and Luso-Espanhola action E-61/12. The European Commission is also acknowledged through COST action ES1202 (Water 2020). M. Pijuan and A. Ribera-Guardia acknowledge the Ramon y Cajal research fellowship (RYC-2009-04959) and the FPIPhD grant (BES-2012-052753) respectively provided by the Spanish Government


Manager: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Espanya)
Author: Ribera-Guardia, Anna
Marques, Ricardo
Arangio, Corrado
Carvalheira, Monica
Oehmen, Adrian
Pijuan i Vilalta, Maite
Abstract: This study aims at investigating the denitrification kinetics in two separate enriched cultures of denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (dPAO) and denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms (dGAO) and compare their N2O accumulation potential under different conditions. Two sequencing batch reactors were inoculated to develop dPAO and dGAO enriched microbial communities separately. Seven batch tests with different combinations of electron acceptors (nitrate, nitrite and/or nitrous oxide) were carried out with the enriched biomass from both reactors. Results indicate that in almost all batch tests, N2O accumulated for both cultures, however dPAOs showed a higher denitrification capacity compared to dGAOs due to their higher nitrogen oxides reduction rates. Additionally, the effect of the simultaneous presence of several electron acceptors in the reduction rates of the different nitrogen oxides was also assessed in dPAOs and dGAOs
This study was funded by the Spanish Government (MINECO) (CTM 2011-27163 and CTM 2015-66892-R), the European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG 303946) and the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/AACAMB/12058/2010, UID/Multi/04378/2013 , PhD grant SFRH/BD/74515/2010). Spanish and Portuguese Governments are acknowledged for Acciones Integradas (PRIAIBPT- 2011-1232) and Luso-Espanhola action E-61/12. The European Commission is also acknowledged through COST action ES1202 (Water 2020). M. Pijuan and A. Ribera-Guardia acknowledge the Ramon y Cajal research fellowship (RYC-2009-04959) and the FPIPhD grant (BES-2012-052753) respectively provided by the Spanish Government
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Elsevier
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Desnitrificació
Title: Distinctive denitrifying capabilities lead to differences in N2O production by denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms and denitrifying glycogen accumulating organisms
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

