
Spatial collinear restricted four-body problem with repulsive Manev potential

We outline some aspects of the dynamics of an infinitesimalmass under the Newtonian attraction of three point masses in a symmetric collinear relative equilibria configuration when a repulsive Manev potential (−1/r + e/r 2), e > 0, is applied to the central mass. We investigate the relative equilibria of the infinitesimal mass and their linear stability as a function of the mass parameter β, the ratio of mass of the central body to the mass of one of two remaining bodies, and e. We also prove the nonexistence of binary collisions between the central body and the infinitesimal mass

Springer Verlag

Autor: Barrabés Vera, Esther
Cors i Iglesias, Josep M.
Vidal, Claudio
Resum: We outline some aspects of the dynamics of an infinitesimalmass under the Newtonian attraction of three point masses in a symmetric collinear relative equilibria configuration when a repulsive Manev potential (−1/r + e/r 2), e > 0, is applied to the central mass. We investigate the relative equilibria of the infinitesimal mass and their linear stability as a function of the mass parameter β, the ratio of mass of the central body to the mass of one of two remaining bodies, and e. We also prove the nonexistence of binary collisions between the central body and the infinitesimal mass
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/302878
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Springer Verlag
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Bifurcació, Teoria de la
Bifurcation theory
Mecànica celest
Celestial mechanics
Dinàmica estel·lar
Stellar dynamics
Títol: Spatial collinear restricted four-body problem with repulsive Manev potential
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

