
Reconceptualizing the Design studio in architectural education: distance learning and blended learning as transformation factors

Nowadays, the professional practice is undergoing changes that are affecting the work of architects. Architectural studios and engineering consultancies are reinventing themselves to adapt to social, technological and productive needs. However, despite the professional changes, the training of architects in schools continues to focus on educational models that have grown more and more distant from the professional demands. In view of this, schools of architecture have been forced to revise their programmes to develop teaching methods that enable them to adapt to the current situation. Thus, the Design Studio -considered as the core of education in architecture- needs a reconceptualization in order to change the way architects should learn. Pedagogical approaches such as distance learning and blended learning can help update the concept of the Design Studio and transform it into a new participatory and delocalized learning space

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Aga Khan Documentation Center

Author: Masdéu, Marta
Fuses, Josep
Date: 2018 June 5
Abstract: Nowadays, the professional practice is undergoing changes that are affecting the work of architects. Architectural studios and engineering consultancies are reinventing themselves to adapt to social, technological and productive needs. However, despite the professional changes, the training of architects in schools continues to focus on educational models that have grown more and more distant from the professional demands. In view of this, schools of architecture have been forced to revise their programmes to develop teaching methods that enable them to adapt to the current situation. Thus, the Design Studio -considered as the core of education in architecture- needs a reconceptualization in order to change the way architects should learn. Pedagogical approaches such as distance learning and blended learning can help update the concept of the Design Studio and transform it into a new participatory and delocalized learning space
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Aga Khan Documentation Center
Rights: Reconeixement-NoComercial-SenseObraDerivada 3.0 Espanya
Rights URI:
Subject: Arquitectura -- Ensenyament universitari
Architecture -- Education, Higher
Arquitectes -- Formació
Architects -- Training of
Title: Reconceptualizing the Design studio in architectural education: distance learning and blended learning as transformation factors
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

