
A synoptic key to the Rhodophyta of the Western Mediterranean. Part. I. Gigartinales, Halymeniales, Hildenbrandiales and Plocamiales

A synoptic key for identifying the Gigartinales, Halymeniales, Hildenbrandiales and Plocamiales from the Western Mediterranean has been prepared in order to facilitate the recognition of these res algae. The orders Gigartinales with some 69 species grouped in 19 families and 35 genera, Halymeniales, with 13 species grouped in 2 families and 6 genera, Hildenbrandiales with 1 family and 1 genera of 3 species, and Plocamiales, with 1 family and 1 genus of 2 species are included. The genus Wudermannia Harvey is also included in the key, althought it has not finally been established whether it belongs to the order Gigartinales or not. Morphological and anatomical descriptions of the reproductive structures, using data from the literature and from personal observations are presented

Laboratoire Arago

Autor: Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció
Sabater, M.A
Vergés Guirado, Alba
Data: 5 juny 2018
Resum: A synoptic key for identifying the Gigartinales, Halymeniales, Hildenbrandiales and Plocamiales from the Western Mediterranean has been prepared in order to facilitate the recognition of these res algae. The orders Gigartinales with some 69 species grouped in 19 families and 35 genera, Halymeniales, with 13 species grouped in 2 families and 6 genera, Hildenbrandiales with 1 family and 1 genera of 3 species, and Plocamiales, with 1 family and 1 genus of 2 species are included. The genus Wudermannia Harvey is also included in the key, althought it has not finally been established whether it belongs to the order Gigartinales or not. Morphological and anatomical descriptions of the reproductive structures, using data from the literature and from personal observations are presented
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/320588
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: Laboratoire Arago
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Algues vermelles -- Mediterrània, Mar
Red algae -- Mediterranean Sea
Vegetació -- Taxonomia
Vegetation classification
Títol: A synoptic key to the Rhodophyta of the Western Mediterranean. Part. I. Gigartinales, Halymeniales, Hildenbrandiales and Plocamiales
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

