
A new perspective of trust through multi-attribute auctions

The use of trust in auctions is a well-studied problem; however, most of the works in the literature focus on how to model trust rather on how trust is used in the mechanism. In this paper we propose a method to manage trust in multi-attribute auctions. Complementary, we propose a new trust model and we compare it withmother models in the literature. The proposed methodology is tested using a real data-based simulator, showing the benefits of incorporating trust in multi-attribute auctions

This research project has been partially funded through BRUdG Scholarship of the University of Girona granted to Ferran Torrent-Fontbona. Work developed with the support of the research group SITES awarded with distinction by the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 2014-2016) and the MESC project funded by the Spanish MINECO (Ref. DPI2013- 47450-C2-1-R)

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

Manager: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Espanya)
Author: Torrent-Fontbona, Ferran
Pla Planas, Albert
López Ibáñez, Beatriz
Date: 2018 June 5
Abstract: The use of trust in auctions is a well-studied problem; however, most of the works in the literature focus on how to model trust rather on how trust is used in the mechanism. In this paper we propose a method to manage trust in multi-attribute auctions. Complementary, we propose a new trust model and we compare it withmother models in the literature. The proposed methodology is tested using a real data-based simulator, showing the benefits of incorporating trust in multi-attribute auctions
This research project has been partially funded through BRUdG Scholarship of the University of Girona granted to Ferran Torrent-Fontbona. Work developed with the support of the research group SITES awarded with distinction by the Generalitat de Catalunya (SGR 2014-2016) and the MESC project funded by the Spanish MINECO (Ref. DPI2013- 47450-C2-1-R)
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Sistemes multiagent
Multiagent systems
Subhastes -- Models matemàtics
Auctions -- Mathematical models
Title: A new perspective of trust through multi-attribute auctions
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat



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