
Point sampling with uniformly distributed lines

In this paper we address the problem of extracting representative point samples from polygonal models. The goal of such a sampling algorithm is to find points that are evenly distributed. We propose star-discrepancy as a measure for sampling quality and propose new sampling methods based on global line distributions. We investigate several line generation algorithms including an efficient hardware-based sampling method. Our method contributes to the area of point-based graphics by extracting points that are more evenly distributed than by sampling with current algorithms


Autor: Rovira, Jordi
Wonka, Peter
Castro Villegas, Francesc
Sbert, Mateu
Data: 5 juny 2018
Resum: In this paper we address the problem of extracting representative point samples from polygonal models. The goal of such a sampling algorithm is to find points that are evenly distributed. We propose star-discrepancy as a measure for sampling quality and propose new sampling methods based on global line distributions. We investigate several line generation algorithms including an efficient hardware-based sampling method. Our method contributes to the area of point-based graphics by extracting points that are more evenly distributed than by sampling with current algorithms
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/320727
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: IEEE
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Algorismes computacionals
Geometria computacional
Imatgeria tridimensional
Computer algorithms
Computational geometry
Three-dimensional imaging
Títol: Point sampling with uniformly distributed lines
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

