
Instal·lació o establiment? Encara sobre els objectius de la promoció lingüística

This article suggests a criticism on the “language normalization” concept, focusing on the dichotomy establishment (adquisition of a complete referential value) and installation (partial language standardization). The author defends the idea that Catalan can try to strengthen its status as installed language, but it will hardly attain the absolute preeminence of an established language. Its perspective is compatible with notions like “llengua pròpia” (own language) or territorial language and clashes with the neoliberals, who defend utilitarist and pseudonaturalist concepts like maximalist monolinguism

Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat

Author: Lamuela, Xavier
Date: 2018 June 5
Abstract: This article suggests a criticism on the “language normalization” concept, focusing on the dichotomy establishment (adquisition of a complete referential value) and installation (partial language standardization). The author defends the idea that Catalan can try to strengthen its status as installed language, but it will hardly attain the absolute preeminence of an established language. Its perspective is compatible with notions like “llengua pròpia” (own language) or territorial language and clashes with the neoliberals, who defend utilitarist and pseudonaturalist concepts like maximalist monolinguism
Document access:
Language: cat
Publisher: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Català -- Normalització
Catalan language -- Standardization
Title: Instal·lació o establiment? Encara sobre els objectius de la promoció lingüística
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

