
Relation between temperature and mortality in thirteen Spanish cities

In this study we examined the shape of the association between temperature and mortality in 13 Spanish cities representing a wide range of climatic and socio demographic conditions. The temperature value linked with minimum mortality (MMT) and the slopes before and after the turning point (MMT) were calculated. Most cities showed a V-shaped temperature-mortality relationship. MMTs were generally higher in cities with warmer climates. Cold and heat effects also depended on climate: effects were greater in hotter cities but lesser in cities with higher variability. The effect of heat was greater than the effect of cold. The effect of cold and MMT was, in general, greater for cardio-respiratory mortality than for total mortality, while the effect of heat was, in general, greater among the elderly

MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)

Author: Iñiguez, Carmen
Ballester, Ferran
Ferrándiz, Juan
Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
Sáez Zafra, Marc
López Estudillo, Antonio
Date: 2018 June 5
Abstract: In this study we examined the shape of the association between temperature and mortality in 13 Spanish cities representing a wide range of climatic and socio demographic conditions. The temperature value linked with minimum mortality (MMT) and the slopes before and after the turning point (MMT) were calculated. Most cities showed a V-shaped temperature-mortality relationship. MMTs were generally higher in cities with warmer climates. Cold and heat effects also depended on climate: effects were greater in hotter cities but lesser in cities with higher variability. The effect of heat was greater than the effect of cold. The effect of cold and MMT was, in general, greater for cardio-respiratory mortality than for total mortality, while the effect of heat was, in general, greater among the elderly
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència Creative Commons: Reconeixement (by)
Rights URI:
Subject: Mortalitat
Temperatura atmosfèrica -- Espanya
Atmospheric temperature -- Spain
Title: Relation between temperature and mortality in thirteen Spanish cities
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

