Autor: |
Martín-Albo Simón, Justo
Muñoz Vidal, J.
Ferrario, Paola
Nebot Guinot, Miquel
Gómez Cadenas, Juan José
Álvarez Puerta, Vicente
Azevedo, C.D.R.
Borges, Filipa I.G.M.
Cárcel García, Sara
Carrión, J. V.
Cebrián, Susana
Cervera Villanueva, Anselmo
Conde, Carlos A.N.
Díaz Medina, José
Diesburg, M.
Esteve, Raúl
Fernandes, L.M.P.
Ferreira, Antonio Luis
Freitas, Elisabete D.C.
Goldschmidt, Azriel
González-Díaz, Diego
Gutiérrez, Rafael María
Hauptman, John M.
Henriques, C.A.O.
Hernando Morata, J.A.
Herrero, Vicente
Labarga, Luis A.
Laing, Andrew
Lebrun, P.
Liubarsky, Igor
López-March, N.
Lorca Galindo, David
Losada, Marta
Martínez Lema, Gonzalo
Martínez Pérez, Alberto
Monrabal Capilla, Francesc
Monteiro, Cristina M.B.
Mora, Francisco José
Moutinho, L.M.
Novella, P.
Nygren, David R.
Palmeiro, B.
Para, A.
Querol, M.
Renner, Joshua
Ripoll Masferrer, Lluís
Rodríguez Samaniego, Javier
Santos, Filomena P.
dos Santos, Joaquim M.F.
Serra Díaz-Cano, Luis
Shuman, Derek B.
Simón Estévez, Ander
Sofka, C.
Sorel, Michel
Stiegler, T.
Toledo, J.F.
Torrent Collell, Jordi
Tsamalaidze, Zviadi
Veloso, João F.C.A.
Webb, R.C.
White, James T.
Yahlali Haddou, Nadia
Yepes-Ramírez, H.
Data: |
15 febrer 2020
Resum: |
NEXT-100 is an electroluminescent high-pressure xenon gas time projection chamber that will search for the neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay of 136Xe. The detector possesses two features of great value for 0νββ searches: energy resolution better than 1% FWHM at the Q value of 136Xe and track reconstruction for the discrimination of signal and background events. This combination results in excellent sensitivity, as discussed in this paper. Material-screening measurements and a detailed Monte Carlo detector simulation predict a background rate for NEXT-100 of at most 4 × 10−4 counts keV−1 kg−1 yr−1. Accordingly, the detector will reach a sensitivity to the 0νββ-decay half-life of 2.8 × 1025 years (90% CL) for an exposure of 100 kg·year, or 6.0 × 1025 years after a run of 3 effective years
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Llenguatge: |
Editor: |
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
Drets: |
Attribution 4.0 Spain
URI Drets: |
Matèria: |
Detectors de gasos
Gas detectors
Títol: |
Sensitivity of NEXT-100 to neutrinoless double beta decay
Tipus: |
Repositori: |