
Active regions for colour texture segmentation integrating region and boundary information

In this paper a colour texture segmentation method, which unifies region and boundary information, is proposed. The algorithm uses a coarse detection of the perceptual (colour and texture) edges of the image to adequately place and initialise a set of active regions. Colour texture of regions is modelled by the conjunction of non-parametric techniques of kernel density estimation (which allow to estimate the colour behaviour) and classical co-occurrence matrix based texture features. Therefore, region information is defined and accurate boundary information can be extracted to guide the segmentation process. Regions concurrently compete for the image pixels in order to segment the whole image taking both information sources into account. Furthermore, experimental results are shown which prove the performance of the proposed method


Author: Muñoz Pujol, Xavier
Freixenet i Bosch, Jordi
Cufí i Solé, Xavier
Martí Bonmatí, Joan
Abstract: In this paper a colour texture segmentation method, which unifies region and boundary information, is proposed. The algorithm uses a coarse detection of the perceptual (colour and texture) edges of the image to adequately place and initialise a set of active regions. Colour texture of regions is modelled by the conjunction of non-parametric techniques of kernel density estimation (which allow to estimate the colour behaviour) and classical co-occurrence matrix based texture features. Therefore, region information is defined and accurate boundary information can be extracted to guide the segmentation process. Regions concurrently compete for the image pixels in order to segment the whole image taking both information sources into account. Furthermore, experimental results are shown which prove the performance of the proposed method
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: IEEE
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Imatges -- Processament
Percepció de les formes
Form perception
Image processing
Title: Active regions for colour texture segmentation integrating region and boundary information
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

