
Local WMR navigation with monocular data

This article presents recent WMR (wheeled mobile robot) navigation experiences using local perception knowledge provided by monocular and odometer systems. A local narrow perception horizon is used to plan safety trajectories towards the objective. Therefore, monocular data are proposed as a way to obtain real time local information by building two dimensional occupancy grids through a time integration of the frames. The path planning is accomplished by using attraction potential fields, while the trajectory tracking is performed by using model predictive control techniques. The results are faced to indoor situations by using the lab available platform consisting in a differential driven mobile robot


Author: Pacheco Valls, Lluís
Luo, Ningsu
Cufí Solé, Xavier
Cobos Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier
Abstract: This article presents recent WMR (wheeled mobile robot) navigation experiences using local perception knowledge provided by monocular and odometer systems. A local narrow perception horizon is used to plan safety trajectories towards the objective. Therefore, monocular data are proposed as a way to obtain real time local information by building two dimensional occupancy grids through a time integration of the frames. The path planning is accomplished by using attraction potential fields, while the trajectory tracking is performed by using model predictive control techniques. The results are faced to indoor situations by using the lab available platform consisting in a differential driven mobile robot
Document access:
Language: eng
Publisher: IEEE
Rights: Tots els drets reservats
Subject: Robots mòbils -- Sistemes de control
Control predictiu
Sistema de posicionament global
Global Positioning System
Mobile robots -- Control systems
Predictive control
Title: Local WMR navigation with monocular data
Type: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repository: Recercat

