
Adaptive business intelligence for an open negotiation environment

Engineering of negotiation model allows to develop effective heuristic for business intelligence. Digital ecosystems demand open negotiation models. To define in advance effective heuristics is not compliant with the requirement of openness. The new challenge is to develop business intelligence in advance exploiting an adaptive approach. The idea is to learn business strategy once new negotiation model rise in the e-market arena. In this paper we present how recommendation technology may be deployed in an open negotiation environment where the interaction protocol models are not known in advance. The solution we propose is delivered as part of the ONE Platform, open source software that implements a fully distributed open environment for business negotiation


Autor: Aciar, Silvana Vanesa
Avesani, Paolo
Rosa, Josep Lluís de la
Hormazábal Llona, Nicolás
Serra, Alessandro
Resum: Engineering of negotiation model allows to develop effective heuristic for business intelligence. Digital ecosystems demand open negotiation models. To define in advance effective heuristics is not compliant with the requirement of openness. The new challenge is to develop business intelligence in advance exploiting an adaptive approach. The idea is to learn business strategy once new negotiation model rise in the e-market arena. In this paper we present how recommendation technology may be deployed in an open negotiation environment where the interaction protocol models are not known in advance. The solution we propose is delivered as part of the ONE Platform, open source software that implements a fully distributed open environment for business negotiation
Accés al document: http://hdl.handle.net/2072/63319
Llenguatge: eng
Editor: IEEE
Drets: Tots els drets reservats
Matèria: Comerç electrònic
Intel·ligència competitiva
Planificació estratègica
Sistemes d’ajuda a la decisió
Programació heurística
Competitive intelligence
Decision support systems
Electronic commerce
Heuristic programming
Strategic planning
Títol: Adaptive business intelligence for an open negotiation environment
Tipus: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Repositori: Recercat

